New Grower 4 plant mephisto grow NCH, MS, CDLC, DG x 3BOG

Well nutes were delayed again in delivery. They promise it’ll be here by Saturday at the latest but UPS has done bumped it a few times now. It left from Ohio. Not sure what the deal is as I have had other UPS packages ordered and delivered since the , delays are expected but this is insane.

was only able to get my hands on a line of nutes locally called Down to Earth all purpose fert and a quart of their micronutrient as well. They’re 4-1-3 and 2-0-1 respectively. The crisis has hit other local growers and gardeners the same as myself I’m sure hence the limited inventories in several shops.

couldnt figure out what to do as far as dosage so I just tried to get them to the same EC i had with the canna line. I did 10 mls of each for 2 gallons as well as 1.5ml calcium.This combo got me to my 550 tds I have been working with but it shot my pH down to 3.8 and my pH is generally 7.8 so that was different.

Thankfully I had pH up on hand so added 7ml to 2 gallons and got the pH up to 6.1 keeping the TDS roughly in the same zone as previous.

Watering was insane. The 2 shorter ones were thirstier for sure as it’ had been over 24 hours since last feed/water and the NCH was definitely drinking it’s own as well but none of them compared to the thirst of the MS. She is so big and a heavy drinker that she ended up taking an entire gallon on her own. Worried that she may have dried out too much but now also worried about whatever this combo of feed I’ve done.

im halfway certain I’m going to see them dead in the next 2-3 days so it’s whatever. If I come out unscathed it’ll be a blessing. Lesson learned here is always have extra nutes on hand. Didn’t really anticipate for corona happening and I had no idea how much nutrients I was going to use over time so just more learning moments but fuck a duck if I’m not pissy over it.
Thats what I kept telling them but they wouldn’t answer because they were too busy drinking!
Yeah bro it takes a day or so after the soil is dry dry for them to start to be affected. The big ones can hold like a gallon or more in their roots and leaves
Some more shots of the NCH. Seems like it might have a strong frost set in. Leaves are getting the crystals further and further out and maybe even have some purple bud structure forming. Hard to tell but you can definitely see some color changing.

FYI - You are a walking fertilizer manufacturer, urine will grow your plants in an emergency. Check it out.

I did look into it after you told me that earlier. Wife freaked out on me when I brought it up. :biggrin: said she wouldnt smoke something that had urine in it. Meanwhile the ferts have fish shit in em so :haha: Out of sight out of mind I guess. Shit isn't out of my nose though. this stuff smellls like the old chicken blood bait I used to use as a kid for catfish.

the biggest inconvenience with it was the fact that the things i read said it needed to set for a week or so before using.
I did look into it after you told me that earlier. Wife freaked out on me when I brought it up. :biggrin: said she wouldnt smoke something that had urine in it. Meanwhile the ferts have fish shit in em so :haha: Out of sight out of mind I guess. Shit isn't out of my nose though. this stuff smellls like the old chicken blood bait I used to use as a kid for catfish.

the biggest inconvenience with it was the fact that the things i read said it needed to set for a week or so before using.
NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
not sure what’s going on but NCH is doing that thing it was doing before since I switched to this all purpose fert shit and the MS is starting to discolor as well. Getting through it best we can in the meantime since I’m still generally shit at being able to tell what the problem is.

plus side I finally got an update the canna nutes have left California after being redirected there from Ohio weeks ago. Hopefully I get it tomorrow but Saturday at latest. That stuff is idiot proof.

anyways some shots of the beasts this morning

@derek420colorado I dunno dude, if she were allowed I think this mango would 100% stretch out to take up this tent. I scoot the other to the walls a little more every other day and she just widens and widens.

samsquanch going hard on the stretch and starting to flower well. Will be interesting what it puts out.

NCH starting to stack it seems like but it’s hard to tell looking at it every day

Cdlc in her little corner being swallowed by the MS and NCH. Don’t have any crates or crap to rig a platform with and been too busy to go pick something up to work with.well get something from it but not sure how much.
