Grow Mediums 4 Aeros DWC - autobomb, Purple Kush and Maxi Gom

Yup & i may have done a bit to much looking at those pics !.. That strain was super tough as well :peace:
Nice looking grow man, sorry to see you pulled one of your clones, ive seen one or two really good grows with them. Will follow allong :)
Update - week 9 & 11

HI Guys,
I finally managed to take some good quality pics of my babies.
I had an MAG deficiency with my Purple Kush and Auto Bomb, caused by Ton O bud And My bloom which lowered the PH a lot!
Ton O Bud from Future Harvest (

I used a 1% MAG additive, and I start to see slow progress now.
Anyway during two weeks the growth slowed down tremendously, disappointed about that but hoping for the best now.

Maxi Gom, now 9 weeks:

Auto Bomb (the clone died and since then the main plant started to grow better)

Other Auto Bomb, and a comparison with the clone

All plants next to each other

Purple Kush, really loving this plant, who would not?
I defoliated the plant 4 weeks ago and because of that the smallest boots at the bottom of the plant are developing good as well.

Starting to flush the Purple Kush this weekend, the rest I'm not sure yet.
As I don't have a proper ventilation system the plants grow slower because of the heat (you can also see this on the leaves), that's why my growth always takes a bit longer as they say.

Cheers guys,
hope you like the pics..

Can't wait to smoke the Purple Kush!:face:
oh man that purple kush is purple indeed! you must have some chilly lights out temps, or thats one funky strain!

Plants looking nice and big! hope you have enough space, gonna be much buddah!
How many days do the maxi goms go on for? Im at day 75 and there's still white pistils everywhere on 3 of my 12 plants.
that purple kush does look delicious. something about purple bud... mmm escpecially when its tastes like the color purple. I may have missed it but what kind light distance are you running? looks like a good vent system and lower lights could really benifit you. Nice grow in any case good work!
Purple Kush is in the dark room now for 36 hours, after I will get some final pictures just before cutting him down.
The yield looks ok, anyway I was expecting more from FHD nutrients, but without a proper ventilation system It's just impossible to get these maximum yields.
Problem is I don't have enough space to place one so will have to find a solution for my next growth.
How many days do the maxi goms go on for? Im at day 75 and there's still white pistils everywhere on 3 of my 12 plants.

My Maxi Gom is now around 11 weeks and I think he can still go another two weeks (keep in mind my growth is stunned due to too much heath).
Will upload some pictures tomorrow. Which nutrients are u using?
that purple kush does look delicious. something about purple bud... mmm escpecially when its tastes like the color purple. I may have missed it but what kind light distance are you running? looks like a good vent system and lower lights could really benifit you. Nice grow in any case good work!

I'm using only 300 HPS, it's only on half power, but if I use 600 Watt HPS the temp. will go up over 40 degrees at least so I would kill them instantly.
Problem is isolation is so good in the bathroom that it's very difficult to get rid of the heath, even with the door open all the time.