Grow Mediums 4 Aeros DWC - autobomb, Purple Kush and Maxi Gom

Update - week 3

HI Guys,

Here I am with the update of week 3.

Personally it's my first DWC grow, and i'm not used to such an exponential growth.
It's insane to see the difference compared to soil, and the plants look very healthy as well.

This is a good picture where you can see the difference of 16 days, the small plant is a Maxi Gom, in the bubbler since yesterday.
The plant on the back is Auto Bomb, now in the bubbler since 16 days.

Purple Kush:
Expecting to see some purple in one week, growing very fast in hight compared to the other ones, so expect this one to be much taller.

Auto bomb Green House:
They grow very bushy, not really in size. The leaves start grow just from everywhere, and the twin has it really difficult to survive under his bigger brother.
Going to get some tools so I can get the twin to grow a little bit more to the outside on the bubbler instead of straight up.

Overal picture of my setup:

Anyone experience with adding Bio-Heaven - Organic Energy booster?
I got some samples from the shop and they are supposed to be a great additive?

Thx guys,
hope you like the pics.
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very nice setup Jaan yes its great watching the grass grow:pop:subbed.

Hey Guys,

First of all sorry but I had no time to upload new pictures.
The plants are huge and my shower looks like a Mari J Jungle!
I will take some good pictures this weekend and upload them after.

My plants dont have light at the bottom of the plant, even in the middle because they are so bushy.
My friend recommends me now to remove around 20 leaves per plant, but I red many times that it's not a good idea to remove leaves from Autoflower plants.
Has someone experience with this? And if so how should I remove them?

I am defoliating my plants to get more light on the popcorn. Works good for me! :) My advice is to remove fan leavs in two rounds, first you strip it down good, removing the leaves that are not connected to a new node, just the ones that are grown a bit. Use your thumbnail to remove them and not scissors. Let it get bushy again. (takes about a week) And remove all the leaves that are shading again. I usually start defoliating when my plants are around 6-8" tall, or and have 4-5 sets of leaves.

Just read alot about it first, and make shure you know what you are doing. You will end up with a real bushy plant, and get more buds down below instead of popcorn.

Just my :2cents:
I "lollypopped" my blue mammoth for the same reason & it worked great.Got rid of the lower stems & some whole branches even ,starting at the very bottom & working up.Then all the energy will go into making the top cola's denser & heavier :smokebuds:
Hope that helps a bit :peace:
:thumbs:Glad your space is full !.Go easy with them bro,gently & over a few days i was advised.Not too much at once & if you see signs of stress then stop .Quick cuts with v sharp scissors

Some pics would be cool?:peace:&Good luck
I myself will chop the shit out of photos they have a lot of time (months) to recover. what you do to a auto may not have time to recover if you go to far with it, you can end up with less bud.... like Vira said take it easy.
