Outdoor 3x GH Jack Herer auto / 1x unknown auto - Greenhouse

May 14, 2016
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Hello everyone,

I'm a new grower and a long time smoker. I did sort of help my brother grow weed in the past (long time ago) but for me this is the first time and I have really put effort into it.

My grow:

1 x Unknown (it is known but I forgot the name, I got it from an acquaintance) - was put in a glass of water on 01 April. A few days later it grew a tail. Later on in a small pot with organic ground in a small incubator inside the house on the windowpane. Enjoyed quite a lot of sun (10 hours or so a day).

3 x Jack Herer autos (from greenhouse seeds)- were put in a glass of water on 20 April (420 y'all). Two of them grew a tail after a few days while the third took its sweet time and only a few days afterwards grew his own tail. Later on all of them were put in separate small pots (the third one with a few days delay), again in organic soil, in a small incubator inside the house on the windowpane and enjoyed quite a lot of sun (10 hours or so a day).
IMG_20160420_115708.jpg IMG-20160501-WA0004.jpg the three jack sisters.

I have built my own greenhouse with a help from a friend who is handier than me. Its back is against a wall.
the frame is wooden. The cover is relatively thick nylon, and then a double layer. Bought at a hardware store. (more details written in photos)
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Right now, the unknown plant of course is way ahead of the rest having been grown earlier. Being an auto-flower, she started blooming relatively early.
This is a close up of her today IMG_20160514_140517.jpg
This is her a week ago (showing my small use of LST) IMG-20160507-WA0008.jpg

She is growing in a pot of 17 Liters. The rest in 12 Liters.
100% soil, which is also organic.
As plant food, I am using the starer kit of BioTabs (http://biotabs.nl).
It includes all sorts of stuff I don't really fully understand to feed the plant. It is SUPER EASY to do.
As you can see, I'm into organic stuff...

I will post further pictures and report progress.
Hope you enjoy reading and looking forwards to any comments/suggestions/questions.
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New grower myself
thanks for sharing your grow to help me learn as well
good job on the greenhouse
going organic for my first run too
I have 3 photos going in my buddies green house and hope to start auto this week
Looks great, im just starting too with a similar method ! Looking forward to your updates
Hi OddSpud and:welcome: That's a nice little greenhouse and the removable front part is a great idea, good luck with the grow!
Thanks everyone!
A few things I have learned during the building of the greenhouse:

A. It's pretty simple.
B. You should not stretch the nylon too much. With time, the wind and you will move it, and if you used staples like I did, it could form small tearing. Thus, not too tight.
C. Use staples only for the upper beam. For the rest, you might as well use velcro. It's more hermetically sealing, and it is much less of a risk of forming a tear. Plus you gain more access points. Velcro isn't that expensive anyway.
D. If you're not really on a budget, a better solution than nylon would be glass. It should prove more of a task though.

Maybe I will change my opinion after a while. The greenhouse is new so this is should be seen as a first impression.
If you need to staple through any kind of plastic sheeting you might want to consider using Duct Tape around the edge - then staple thru the duct tape edging. We use this method for polythene panels at the allotment and they last a lot longer without ripping this way. Also if you can get hold of polythene that is designed for garden/polytunnel use it will last much longer, even thick builders polythene sheeting these days is designed to be semi-biodegradable which means it will fall apart after a few months of exposure to strong sunlight.
Thanks for your suggestion. Is is definitely a good one. What I have done though is even better. I had a lot of spare flat and long wooden pieces. I have screwed these onto the frame, so that they are holding the plastic cover in place. It is much less likely to be torn now.
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Photos of today from the unknown plant. Does anybody have any tips about if I should trim/further bend or anything else I can do to help increase yield or improve some aspect?
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Hey everybody.

Been a while since my last update.
I had to deal with aphids. The three Jack Herrer sisters took most of the damage. The big unknown one didn't suffer so much. However..................
I fucked up. It's been some nice sunny days where I live (Netherlands) the past few weeks. I really wanted it to be hot in the greenhouse. Unfortunately, I ignored the humidity inside and in turn, most of the leaves of the big plant started getting white and black spots on them. I realized it was mold only when it was too late. I DIDN'T OPEN THE WINDOWS OF THE GREENHOUSE OFTEN ENOUGH and in return it got super humid inside... What a fuck up.

Now I have cut most of the leaves off the big plant. I'm guessing she won't be so happy with it. So close to harvest too.. :(

photos: big unknown (before haircut) - big unknown (after haircut) - 3 jack sisters
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