Outdoor 3x GH Jack Herer auto / 1x unknown auto - Greenhouse

Oh, sh!t! They look ok with all things considered. Sending good thoughts your way for a quick recovery! :growing:
So.. I had to harvest the big girl... I kept seeing more and more leaves with the white spots (powdery mildew). I hung them to dry in my shed. I'm not sure of the humidity but it is shades and with an open door and window. I wouldn't be surprised if I see mold on it sometime during the drying process. After some reading, I have come to understand that the powdery mildew is about as easy to get rid of as dust from one's house. Meanwhile, I keep finding other leaves on the 3 Jack Herer sisters with small dots on them. White and black. I keep cutting them off but then it appears elsewhere. I have come to understand (and afterwards thinking DUHHHHHHHHHHH) that I live in a very humid environment. The future looks grim. Yesterday I have sprayed the 3 JH's with apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter), and today with sesame oil, drops of castile soap and water. I will disinfect my scissors and try to cut off the leaves I see with spots on them.

I'm prepared for the worst..............

Anyway, here are pictures of some of the harvest:


Okay. I don't know how many people follow this thread, seeing that no body is interacting :p but I'm gonna go ahead and just write as if it's my personal diary.
I have come to the conclusion that the black spots I have seen on the leaves of all plants are in fact bug poop or something alike. That was no mildew. On the other hand, the big unknown plant (which I have harvested) had also mildew. Pretty expected when you consider I live in a place with 80% humidity at times.
Since the harvest, I have hung it to dry in a shed with open door and open window. 2 days ago I brought it inside and installed a very small fan blowing in the room, not directly onto the harvest.
I have made a power source on the outside of my house, next to the greenhouse, and have proceeded to install a fan blowing hard wind on the rest of the 3 plants (the Jack Herer sisters). That should and seem to have taken care of the humidity problem (I have no hygrometer, but it's on its way).
I still see the bug poop from time to time, but I simply wipe it off.
Meanwhile there's another addition to the family, cheese auto from freeseedsonline.com (I am not aware of the merit of their genetics. I chose to order from there because it's really cheap compared to the rest). I am going with a scrog experiment.

These are the 3 jack sisters. I've decided I won't keep more 3 than 3 plants at a time from now on, in order to give them more space from another. Also, because the fan's current location (infront of the front), the greenhouse is always open, so I guess its effect is largely gone.
They seem to be doing well!
3j (1).jpg
The harvest of the unknown plant (which I found out today was an "Auto Pounder", no idea whose genetics) is now in a jar after having dried 5 day+-.
The buds felt dry enough, and the stems where almost on the point of breaking.
7 grams :rolleyes1:
I expected more to be honest... 20 or so. But I am satisfied, it being a first grow and all the trouble I had.