New Grower 300 watt leds under 100.00 bucks on ebay

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Dhl is horrible. Shipped a package of mine to orlando (an extra day south of me) for an unknown reason. They sub with the usps so quicker the usps gets it thw better. Really sucks if you get stuck with dhl during the whole shipping. Everytime dhl stops, or swaps to usps, they have up to 48 hours before it moves again. Worst shipping in the states by far. If you see "tendered to usps" on tracking you have up to 2 days bedore it moves again but once it starts you should be good.
As of IR IMO not needed as for anyone who followed my grows know its MarsHydros and the Trich production and growth is unreal for the price you pay

Can Second that but i think its because of the Warmwhite Coolwhite Combo they have on board simmilar Resin Production like my Mates Panel with Ir sepcs. But as far as i know the Ir is on board but no UVB. Wel i love my 2 Ufos and i will get 1 300w or 2 more of the Ufos to Complete my current Setup. And yep here some Trichs from 1 x 180w Ufo.... Tyrone Special Day 51 (4).jpg
Pop the 900 w Model You got is from the Manufactor Lush lightning gets their Panels from. Often Labled as Dominator Series. Compareble to the Mars Hydro Old Model Series.
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