New Grower 300 watt leds under 100.00 bucks on ebay

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I agree pop. I love my marshydros. I think if you are going "cheap" its all about finding a company with a good warranty and solid construction.
The Mars II have an IR bulb in them, I believe
I just got a new light from an ebay auction Its a 900 watt King. Looks just like my 300 watt Topled / Marshydro, just bigger lol. Case is almost identical. I'm going to open this one up and compare it to my 300 watt Topled. It seems to have pretty good specs, and actual power draw is said to be 589 watts.
I just got a new light from an ebay auction Its a 900 watt King. Looks just like my 300 watt Topled / Marshydro, just bigger lol. Case is almost identical. I'm going to open this one up and compare it to my 300 watt Topled. It seems to have pretty good specs, and actual power draw is said to be 589 watts.

Do you have a pic of the top? Where the ac plugs in. I had one 900w off ebay I was thoroughly pleased with. It was a redder spectrum then my ONLY othe r comparison being a mars II 1200. Im so pissed I sold mine. :(
Looks like a mars. Should kick ass :P
Well,I remember now why I don't order from Ebay sellers shipping large items from China...........They ship DHL! They have to be the worst shipping company in the world! My light made it here from Hong Kong, and thru customs in 2 days!! BUT..............the regional distribution center has been sitting on it since last Thursday! Excuses so far:
1. Severe weather , Ummm there hasn't been any.................they used that for three days.
2. its out for delivery..........( I called and ooops its still at the warehouse, it will go out to morrow........... uh huh, and thats my second call....... )
3. its out for delivery...........NO its not.......I call again. its out for delivery! Ohh wait, not its not we have the wrong address..... ( really? How did that happen? Never in 500 transactions thru ****** has that ever happened...) bet they f'd up the label)
4.Its out for delivery....... not here yet.........called they promised it was out for delivery this time. I told them if I didn't get it this time, they could send it back to Hong Kong because I'd refuse delivery! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
If shipping companies were crayons, DHL would be the dullest one in the box for sure. Had the same issue with them and a 10' iPad charging cable. Apparently the package was so small they lost it, twice.

Edit: I should also note it was coming from Hong Kong as well.
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