3 week old autos look sick.. Please help

Aug 9, 2019
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(Autos) I'm growing in light mix soil with added perlite... Ive only watered maybe 4 times in 3 weeks (pre soaked the soil)... New growth seems abit clawing.. I haven't added any nutes yet.. Watering at 6.5.. 25° @50rh 600w hps 20 lr airpots.. They seemed perfect 1 week ago???... Any suggestions? IMG-20201022-WA0014.jpg


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Are the lights out in the photo?
Theres not a ton of nitrogen in biobizz light mix. If you didnt feed nutes thats weird. Cuz it does look like too much Nitrogen like AFNG said. Usually with to much N you'll get the leaf claw and darker green leaves. I'm thinking either too much N or under watered or over watered. One of the 3 wud be my guess. But its kinda hard to over water unless you water too often which it didnt sound like you were doing. I drench the whole 5 gallon grow bag so all the soil is wet when I water or feed from start to finish. Then let them dry out but not completely b4 watering again. I lift pots when watered to see how heavy they are and then lift when you think they need water or feed again, if they're much lighter it's time to water again. I use biobizz light mix with no nutes the first 3 weeks and my plants never looked like that from too much N. 4th week I start adding veg nutes. When you add nutes always (feed, water, water) repeat. Dont feed nutes every feeding or you'll cause lockouts.
Theres not a ton of nitrogen in biobizz light mix. If you didnt feed nutes thats weird. Cuz it does look like too much Nitrogen like AFNG said. Usually with to much N you'll get the leaf claw and darker green leaves. I'm thinking either too much N or under watered or over watered. One of the 3 wud be my guess. But its kinda hard to over water unless you water too often which it didnt sound like you were doing. I drench the whole 5 gallon grow bag so all the soil is wet when I water or feed from start to finish. Then let them dry out but not completely b4 watering again. I lift pots when watered to see how heavy they are and then lift when you think they need water or feed again, if they're much lighter it's time to water again. I use biobizz light mix with no nutes the first 3 weeks and my plants never looked like that from too much N. 4th week I start adding veg nutes. When you add nutes always (feed, water, water) repeat. Dont feed nutes every feeding or you'll cause lockouts.
Yeah man I can't figure it out... I haven't added anything so I've no idea... Like I've left them dry out between waters but not too much to where there bone dry... I haven't a clue tbh
Update:.. Plugged out take fan into inkbird temperature controller to raise heat 3° and keep it there and humidity up to 60-65... Plants look 100% better and have exploded on growth over night
Update:.. Plugged out take fan into inkbird temperature controller to raise heat 3° and keep it there and humidity up to 60-65... Plants look 100% better and have exploded on growth over night
Yay :woohoo:They didnt look that bad tho before. But glad there doing better growmie. I would start veg nutes at 4 weeks in biobizz. What are you using 4 nutes? The soil and plant got enough nutrients the first three weeks. Start off 1/4 strength veg nutes in week 4 and half strength week 5. Slowly work your way up and read your plants and see how they react. If the leaf tips start burning that means too much nutrients. So you'd use less nutes the next feeding. That's how you read your plants as your feeding. If your leaves are turning yellow that means they need more nitrogen. If they're dark green and leaf tips are clawing that means there is too much nitrogen. Always (Feed, water, water, repeat) or you can cause lock outs if you feed too often! Happy growin. And in the proper environment they will thrive!! :thumbsup:
Yay :woohoo:They didnt look that bad tho before. But glad there doing better growmie. I would start veg nutes at 4 weeks in biobizz. What are you using 4 nutes? The soil and plant got enough nutrients the first three weeks. Start off 1/4 strength veg nutes in week 4 and half strength week 5. Slowly work your way up and read your plants and see how they react. If the leaf tips start burning that means too much nutrients. So you'd use less nutes the next feeding. That's how you read your plants as your feeding. If your leaves are turning yellow that means they need more nitrogen. If they're dark green and leaf tips are clawing that means there is too much nitrogen. Always (Feed, water, water, repeat) or you can cause lock outs if you feed too often! Happy growin. And in the proper environment they will thrive!! :thumbsup:
Thanks for the tips man... I'm using remo nutrients (full range)... Ive always got yellow tips around week 4 while still using just plain water nothing major just the very tip but not enough to worry about.. Maybe the light mix has a tat too much nitrogen cause I've always got some dark green going on too