In pots 21


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At first I thought it was a slight ph problem... Then I saw what @archie gemmill was saying and it looked like that.... I gotta quit venturing outside of LS when I'm baked.
It in fact was. My blue lab ph test pen was not calibrated. Like I said im new to this. My water is now ph'd I think they will be good now.
ph wernt far enough out to do any long term damage,fixed now im sure they will bounce right back :smokeit:
great lil project you have :thumbsup:
good luck keep er lit.
Thanks man I was worried but its still growing well. I dropped the temp to 76. Im so excited about these 3. The temp was to hot and I was underwatering along with a messed up ph. Its all good now though.


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Thanks I'm doing the same thing with all 3 but that ones some kind of monster. It popped first grew fastest and only got a little irritated with my ph and underwatering issues. Its like the juggernaut.
It looks like a 100% indica dominant pheno. But probably will change leaf shape during flowering. If it continues that'd be so awesome
It looks like a 100% indica dominant pheno. But probably will change leaf shape during flowering. If it continues that'd be so awesome
Its either fyre in the sky or magical mazar. I noticed that one fat ass leaf is totally blocking under growth. Do I ever prune these things?
sometimes,if it stays real squat.look good so far :thumbsup:
Thanks man


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