Indoor 2nd Thoughts; Round 2 With THINK DIFFERENT

Yes Bandit!!!!! Congrats dude, I've just done a successful paper-bag dry and now shes all jarred up. :) can't wait to see BAMSLAM up and running!

How are things bro? Only a few moresleeps until santa! Hahaha!
:Sharing One:

What it do, my man??!! Glad to see you back up in this house of madness! How are things on your end? Getting situated and all that?

Ill jump on the band wagon.

I like the bag methid too. Especially after I over dryed the moby dick to shit. Anyway, I went 3 days in paper over night on my drying hang screen then to jars and burbed til I felt they were done. Gave a nice little roll around every so often in the jars. Came out nice.
Hope that's in any way helpful. Nicely done Bandit!

So far, I'm loving the bag method. I was a bit worried at first, but that's just because I was doing something new. Seems to be drying slower, and that's what I wanted, so I'm good! I'll probably throw it in the jars tomorrow, or maybe tonight, depending on it feels when I get home tonight
Ya buddy the paper bag movement is on! ...make way for the paper bag mafia! Lmao....we taking over the afn nation!:) lollol
Just found out that my air pots won't be here by the 1st, so I'll have to start my BAM bean on the solo. Fuuuuuuug!!
Damn, Rogue Hydro ;)

Full-priced Friday on the shipping too.....every time. Captive audience...
Whaaaaaat?! How'd you know I picked them up from Rogue, super sleuth?! You're a slick one, Sir Trap! Great prices for the pots and free shipping, I couldn't resist! Now, I kinda wish I had went elsewhere so I could have the pots in time
Send 'em my way! I'd probably be more excited about seeing them than I would be about seeing the pots! LOL!
Whaaaaaat?! How'd you know I picked them up from Rogue, super sleuth?! You're a slick one, Sir Trap! Great prices for the pots and free shipping, I couldn't resist! Now, I kinda wish I had went elsewhere so I could have the pots in time

Educated guess ;)

I've never gotten free shipping though.
They've always taken the longest of any of my purchased items to arrive.

Kind of annoying.

Helluva educated guess! When the zombies overrun the earth, I got dibs on Trap being down wit my group of survivors! Dude is rizza razor sharp wit it!