Indoor 2nd Thoughts; Round 2 With THINK DIFFERENT

Bandit! Wow dude, just wow! She's throwing heads up all over the place! I'm hoping I'll get the chance to catch up properly later on... how are you finding your scrog? I didn't manage to fill my screen up unfortunately but I've got 50+ budsites (keep losing count- gotta be a good sign!) So I'm certainly looking at a decent enough harvest to see me and my loved ones through for a good while, which is all i asked the ganj-gods for! Got a lot of catching up to do... still haven't had a chance to check in with jayar or waxi, and quite a few others! Stay cool bandit :Sharing One:
DREAD! Glad to see you back in the mix, my man! Hope things are cool on your end, bro. The scrog is going nicely for my first real attempt, and I think this will be my style of choice. This little bitch here is just moving at her own damn snail's pace. She was slow to germ, slow to pop up above the surface, and now these buds are SLOWLY putting on size. She's just slow. Hope the blunts that I roll with her burn just as slowly...
Looking awesome up in there! Looks like ya nailed the scrog! That is a lot of heads there, like about ten Medusa's worth hahhaaa lmao
Thanks, Ant! I find the scrogging pretty fun, and it makes me feel more involved with my plant. It's such little bit of work for such a high reward!
How they lookin brother??
Wzup, Jay?! She's looking good, man, it's just the size of the buds that is driving me crazy!! She looks healthy, and all that, but these buds are creeping along slow as hell! I'm gonna start giving her the Explode, really soon, and I think I got box of goodies (maybe some B52), that I can start her in on, too. I'll post a pic tonight when I get home, but she hasn't changed too much since the last one.
Well, I'm really gonna need some input from guys out there that are familiar with the AN line. I currently use Dutch Pro nutes, and I am about to start in with the Explode. The thing is, I just received this AWESOME package in the mail, that contains some Big Bud, Final Phase, B-52, and some Overdrive!! Out of the blue! It just came to me, as if the Ganja Gods themselves sent it to me! I've never, in my 2 short grows, ventured outside of the DP line, so I'm a little unsure of how to use these? Do I use all of them? A certain combo of them? Can they be used along with the DP Explode? Looking at all these new bottles is a bit intimidating! Before I get to screwing things up, I'll wait for some input from my fellow members. I trust you guys to keep me on the right path
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them supplements were made to go with the ph perfect line so I don't know. I do know you use your overdrive after your big bud. like say ur big bud on wks 7 and 8 and overdrive on wk 9. that's just how I use so im sure other people mix together so im curious to what people say.
I dunno dude, I generally follow the instructions on the AN bottles. Mixing nutrient line ups can potentially be a recipe for disaster... or it could be great! Who knows? Not me! :D
Thanks for the input, my dudes! I'm excited as fu... well you know what I'm sayin. I'm excited! I just don't wanna hop out there and give my girl too much of a good thing, so I gotta get this figured out before I use it. It's like having a nice, fast car, right? Then, all of a sudden, you get a sweet, aftermarket accessory for said car, but you don't know how to correctly install it! Aarrgh! That's how I'm feeling right now!