Grow Room 2nd PC GROW

Love that second shot bro, what kind of camera do you use if you don't mind sharing? :brow:
Gee... has Herbal been back since testing that Amnesia test nugg? :crying: I bet he's passed out on the floor next to his PC case... :crying:
He took the red pill ...or smoked to much shits looking sweeet .....
truly amazing art work ....
Oh when ur brains back we can see more Porn like that please
absolutely goregous my friend!!..peeps need to give you micro-growers more credit brotha!!..i've tried growing in small containers's alot harder than it looks!!..:thumbs:...max :slap:..:pimp:...:clap:...:smokebuds:
Looking great man.. whats your trichrome % as of right now?

thanks blaze! id say that im about 5% amber +/- still got about 2 weeks to go before harvest so i will check again then.

Bud sites are looking frosty brother!!!

thank you brother :dance:

Herbal, you are the master now bro...max rep...:slap:

slowly but surely duggy my man - lvl of mastery will be achieved. :wiz:

Love that second shot bro, what kind of camera do you use if you don't mind sharing? :brow:

nothing fancy my friend. just a kodak easysharec195 - point and click with different scene modes etc.

si my man :gthumb: :smokebuds:

thank you for the love gearbear! :dance: :thumbs:

Gee... has Herbal been back since testing that Amnesia test nugg? :crying: I bet he's passed out on the floor next to his PC case... :crying:

lol - im back now my friend. :buds:

He took the red pill ...or smoked to much shits looking sweeet .....
truly amazing art work ....
Oh when ur brains back we can see more Porn like that please

update will be coming for some photos my brother. :booya:

absolutely goregous my friend!!..peeps need to give you micro-growers more credit brotha!!..i've tried growing in small containers's alot harder than it looks!!..:thumbs:...max :slap:..:pimp:...:clap:...:smokebuds:

glad you could make it mr nice! how is the garden coming along my friend? havent been there in a while.

thank you for the kind worlds and the love :dance:highly appreciated.


quick smoke report update for the amnesia:

-dried sample taken was from day 61 (about 0.9grams)
- lower budsites / cleaned around the stem
- it was quicked dried using an envelope on top of the cable box
- "cured" in a container for 1 day
- smoke today :thumbs:

smell: wasnt great - smelled more like grass due to the quick dry
smell (once grinded/broken down): you can smell the piercing goodness right through your nostrils
smoke: surprisingly smooth for being quick dried + no cleanse / very easy to take in.
duration/high: this one a bit of a creeper. higher/more energy (i felt mote energized). gets you focused.
lasted about 1.5 - 2 hrs (could have been longer? but we lit another one :shrug:)

overall: cant wait to give this medicine a proper taste trial after the dry + after a couple days of cure.
getting more excited now knowing that the smoke will be delicious and potent!

:dance: :group: :dance:

water day! @ 1/2 strength TB & BB [week 5 schedule]

photo shoot :booya:

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you can see where i took the sample buds from.
stem area looks cleaner :thumbs:


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end of the week comparison:

LR #2 @ day 60 [1st] (last day of the week that is on file)

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20 days of 12-12

another day comparison @ day 65 (2 days into the 10th week)

View attachment 185214

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25 days of 12-12


thoughts.comments.questions always welcome.


:dance: the end is near :dance:

thank you for the love and support everyone

:group: :group: :group:

Awesome herbal! I'm excited to see what you come up with dry bro!!!

At what week did you start 1/2 strength on your nutes cause me and you are using the same nutes
Awesome herbal! I'm excited to see what you come up with dry bro!!!

At what week did you start 1/2 strength on your nutes cause me and you are using the same nutes

started 1/2 @ around week 4.5 - week 5. (which was my 4th feed [feed>feed schedule])

flowering nutes then started at 1/2 strength as well - no need to bring it back down to 1/4 (unless you really want to)