Lighting 2nd Grow: Rapid Afghan and Easy Ryder, Airpots, CFL

I think a skunk pissed in my cab!! Sure smells like it! :D :D :D

I know right!!!! My nose burns when I am working in my tent. My first grow didn't smell like this. I am suprised they start smelling strongly so early :drool:
My cab is the same way noods, I like to shake my plants everyday and WOW the smell jump right out at ya. Its funny I'l be driving drown the road and if a skunk was run over I love the smell, My girlfriend thinks im crazy for that.
Day 14 and everything is fine.

I added some of that diamond patterned mylar that is on the windshield coverings. Just to the inside of the door. That's much more reflective than flat white. I was really surprised. I think I'll get more of that stuff.

The RA is doing great. New growth is forming very fast, all over. It's fun to watch. I'm very happy with how she's going. I'll give her about a week to stop warming up and then she's going to go nuts. I can just see it in her, waiting...


The little ER is doing ok. She's growing at an angle, so I'm probably going to tie her to a stick soon. She's a little thinner and smaller, staying true to form. I guess she's just a whimpy pheno. No prob, we'll make her pretty anyway...


I have the cap on my humidifier tipped to the side a little. If it's on correctly, you get just a stream, like steam from a tea kettle whistling on the stove, that is forced to blow against something. Either a pot or a light or a wooden wall... So, I tip the cap like that and it gives me a fog instead of a stream. Set as it is in this pic, I get a constant RH of 50%. If I give it more steam, I get condensation.

So I keep misting as well, but cutting back- they need to start learning to walk now.


They seemed to have loved the kelp extract foliar that they had. They look absolutely healthy, beautiful green. I was also pleased that, as I had hoped, there was no Kelp residue on the leaves after spraying! Good stuff! Next batch is in the freezer starting right now.

nice work Noods :dance2: looking good

I tried that with the humidifier but then i put it in front of my intake fan and it just gets blown around.

I got my custom link working lol turns out there is a thread on it. cheers anyway though hope i didn't make you late :thumbs:
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This grow looks really nice! The bad thing about growing is that you always want to grow more :) First one.. Now two.. I guess four next time? hehe.

Will you try HPS light or you going to stick with current light? :toke:
Looking great man!!! I love day 14 just about ready for TAKE OFF!!!!!!:D