Lighting 2nd Grow: Rapid Afghan and Easy Ryder, Airpots, CFL

Snooch, I did thought I was in trouble. I'm constantly comparing these to my first ER. She grew like crazy right out of the shell, and these two started out taking their time. The first week was real slow, comparatively, and I was a little panicked. Now the RA is just about a half a day behind where my first ER was, really picking up the pace, leaving me pretty optimistic. I have a pretty extensive photo-log of that first ER, so I'm always checking against it. I'm trying to stop that though...

I'm still looking for a vessel that would qualify as a 16 ounce Party Cup. No such animal here. I might end up drilling some holes in a beer stein soon...
might be a bit late in the day for that mate, tomorrows the day to post the first photos.. cant believe i hadn't mentioned it sooner :s

looking back on photos is the way to go. i use my thread all the time to reference stuff back. maybe i should take more pics now that i have found my camera
i wouldn't worry too much about a day or so's difference in growth. Maybe you were right and there is more going on beneath the soil. certainly sounds reasonable.
Thanks Auto-snooch for the humidifier recommendation. Mine came today and I'm tuning it in. Hopefully I'll get some better air in there now. :smokebuds:

I also used what I'm calling the Trifid Method of extraction (posts #101 - #103) for my Kelp Foliar Spray and tried it out tonight. It looked real potent, so I had to really water it down, about 100ml extract : 500ml distilled water.
yeah nice work! just be sure to keep it clean when you refill it. I hear they can cause problems like mildew if they are not looked after.
hooked mine up to a timer today. it's running 18/6.
i'm gonna check that foliar feed out now :smoke:
Is it normal for for autos to show sex twelve days after sprouting??? Is that not too early? Does it mean anything, like maybe she'll be a runt, or she'll be a big fat monster?
I saw this yesterday, but it wouldn't show up for my camera. Today it does. Still kinda blurry, but believe me, they're white hairs.


Is this a good thing? A normal thing? I'm pretty excited about it.
From my crop the two that showed sex soonest and have already been harvested look to have been the smallest plants. But the ones I have left still have another 2 weeks or so to go. I guess it depends if you want to wait a month and get new bud or get bud soon and start a new crop.
The plants are looking great, Noods! I've found that the girls who show sex in the first couple of weeks also finish a little earlier, which makes sense. Nothing to worry about IMO.