Lighting 2nd Grow: Rapid Afghan and Easy Ryder, Airpots, CFL

Cool Dub! The CC's caught my eye the moment I started looking for seeds to start my very first grow. I didn't get them because they're expensive and didn't want to be a newbie Cream Caramel Killer. But now I think I have an idea how to grow weed, so I'll do em up! :smoke:
I am sure you will do justice Noods and in turn she will do the same! It seems to be an extremely hardy strain and loves to be fed pk boosters in the last 4 weeks. I have back to back at half strength and not a single sign of burn or stress just swelling beautifully!
Hey Noods! Instead of taking a paus.. Put some out on some field or so.. I will try to put some out this summer. Cant grow inside when having 25-28c outside. My 600w HPS will put my girls on fire :S
Oh yeah zaQ, I've put a lot of thought into that,but it won't work. I live in an area with high tourist traffic. I'd have to go way too far out of the way and it would become 'work' instead of enjoyable. I'll just go with 1-3 real small, stealthy pots on the balcony. They'll have about 6-8 hrs of sunshine out there. It'll be mainly about getting some pollen and staying in the game. I won't be going for big yields. I'll save that for Fall.
Wow you work so hard at growing it puts me to shame. Were their none of the first bunch you grew that you felt like repeating? The first bunch sure sound like some good types. Oh well always interested to hear about stuff I know nothing about. Wicked good luck from the world's laziest and cheapest grower.

I love 'em when they are in the early stages. Sounds like they are loving the custom soil mix. Rapid afghan... Sounds like a heavy smoke!

I usually buy 5g of afghan hash from bagheeras whenever I go to Amsterdam. The guy is a bit of a joker, he always says "I got this fresh from bin-laden yesterday" or some other tall tale lol. The afghan hash is dark brown...Almost black and it comes with the body stone type effect. if the RA has a similar effect you are on to a winner
Yesterday the girls were 9 Weeks. I'm a day late with the update, but the pics are from Day 63.


The Rapid Afghan doesn't want to finish. I was hoping to have her out of there this week some time, but she's decided to take her time now at the end. No tricks of the light, they are amber trichomes, but only very, very few. The buds are also still putting on some weight, but it's slowed down.

She only has very few leaves and the smaller leaves in the buds are also starting to turn. I wish she would finish up. I feel like a little kid waiting for Santa again.

She got another full dose of BioBloom with 1/3 strength FishMix last night.




The Easy Ryder is turning into a beast. A little beast, but a pretty one none the less. She still has so much green foliage on her. The bottom buds are almost always in the shade because of them. When I think of how she would have turned out if I didn't take off all those leaves a few weeks ago! I took off a LOT, and she still has this many leaves.... Crazy little bushy thing.

She still has a week or three to go. She had full strength FishMix and BioBloom last night.




So here's me, patiently waiting.... :bong:

very nice Noods!!she's looking really close bro...can't wait to see the harvest off her!!
Sounds like you have some good stuff lined up Noods. Love the samples! I think I will have one more sample of my Mi5 and Onyx next week. I can't wait to see how the potency has developed from the last sample. How was the smell on your ladies while growing? Nice pictures, those look sweet!