nice bud!!!! I know the feeling mate, I've had stuff do that to me too... 2,3 even 4 stages of calyxes swelling on again and again... you think... its done... tommorrow I'll chop... n tommorrow its bigger and throwin new stuff out...
Thanks a lot guys and gals! Glad you all like her. I amaze myself every time I realize that she hasn't been chopped yet- I never knew I was capable of such restraint!
Thank you guys for the kind words!
Noods, i got crazy busy and hadn't been by in a little bit. Your girls blew up! i know your a hell of a grower and really get into some of the more technical aspects of growing so let me ask you when you inject cannabis with steroids where do you put the needle? :smoke:
wow i'm sad missed out on this one from day 1; however i just got caught up! fantastic my man, this is one of if not the best cfl grow i feel i have personally ever seen! i have seen many photo and auto and this in terms of overall mass and crystal production is indeed a zenith in comparison to most i have laid my eyes upon. gr8t work man and i'm sure you'll only get bigger and better with each project you jump into!
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