actually i haven't got my bettys yet as i was trying to do things the cart was messed, however with the new shop up and running will be making my first purchase soon. the more i read on the site the more i found personally the dragon line up and bettys will be exactly what i want as an individual. i was holding off to see what would be available the end of this winter beginning of spring and i now see the dragon pack is available will be getting those most def! the cab is looking good, gets kinda hot, however the coleus and hydrangea test run shows to be very promising, coleus is booming absolutely huge getting too big and the hydrangea is a lil pain in my butt but the more attention i give her the better she gets ofcourse heh. when the project that all of you would be interestd in following i will be getting the pics up and all that. most likely bettys and dragons i would love to discover a black dragon if possible, that stuff is gorgeous. will try to stop by here more often, the real world has been keeping me busy nephews, nieces, work and the like trying to set aside more time for MY fun lol.