Lighting 2nd Grow: Rapid Afghan and Easy Ryder, Airpots, CFL

Nice lookin grow noods:drool:

Think my next strain is an easy ryder.. You gave a nice little tip on last page about when they go droopy they prob want more food.. I wish I had known that 2 weeks

Top grow mate, cant wait to see the finished product, looking like your gonna get some good yeildage..

Thanks p.l.u.r.! I always let them get real dry before I give them something. They seem to like it. Well yeah, they complain that they're thirsty, but then when they do get some, you can sit over the next two hrs and just watch everything smooth into place again and then keep going up and out. Great stuff.

The ER is an easy one. Pretty hardy and forgiving. This one slow, but she's a nice full bush and full of what I hope will turn into big fat buds. 52 Days today and she's all full of trics, all clear, just a few cloudy. I'm liking her a lot. She doesn't like too much heat. Temps in the high 80's seem to put her to sleep and she just chills till temps go back down.

I'm definitely letting her go a lot longer than my last one. I took that one at 63 days with about 20 - 25% amber. There was so much growth still happening in the buds when I took her, I was kickin myself in the butt the whole time I was trimming her. No matter, this one's going the whole 10 miles. It's some pretty good smoke too. F*n tasty!

Noo thankyou for sharing bro..

I think I might have mis read a I had been underfeeding mine for 2 weeks and they got droopy every night, iv now boosted up my feed and she is sitting proud all night long..

I have been thinking ER as I they stay quite small, with my lack of skill hardy and forgiving would be handy too..
Temps should be ok as I'll only be using my cfls for it, but it will be in dwc so who knows how big its gonna get and how much light it will need..

checking my trics is something iv never done, but since joining the forum iv realised its a must.. I allways use to just wait till she is swelled to the max. Its great here at afn, your all so helpful and full of top tips..

Ill keep watchin, keep up the good show...

Peace bro..
Awesome update noods! My little eyes lit up when i saw that cool pipe :drool:
Your plants look amazing, i'm really keen to see what the next few weeks bring you :clap:
Hey snooch, thanks my friend! Been wondering where you've been... I hope all is well in your neck of the woods! :smokebuds:

Just checked all me buds and so far the RA is all clear and a few cloudy once in a while. She's got a while yet. I'm dying to try her though!!!

The ER is about all clear, but she's just takin' her own sweet time. :bong: That's fine. I'm in no hurry.
I know man. shameful. I know how much every little bit of support helps.
I have got loads to catch up on

I'm a 24hr worker and it has been kicking my ass lately. I'm like a zombie. At least i get a fat pat check this month and Im away on Friday so things are looking up.

Your plants really do look awesome. Super healthy. I can only imagine the monsters you will be taming in the next few months.
Nothing shameful about a man earning a hard days pay snooch. It's just that one (I) seems to worry when somebody's quiet for a few days- you get to wondering if everything's okay.
I know how it is- I get some of those 36 hour days that really drag you down... Look on the bright side: Spring is on the way!

And thanks for the compliments! Yes, the support helps. And the sharing. Glad to be a part of it all! :smokebuds:
I think :dance::dance::dance: about sums it all up Noods
Oh yes Kindred, that fits quite well. Every time I walk into the room, the smell of the RA just slithers right into my head and makes me do a little jig! lol
Thanks for the dance my friend!!
noods, lovley ladies back a few posts you said you let the girls go a little dry, i do the same thing i think it helps to produce more resin. just a wee bit o stress.