Indoor 2nd Grow Northern lights auto

Things are going fantastic, this Thursday will be 3 weeks, I topped at the 4th node and top dressed with Gaia green bloom and all purpose a few days ago.
Sorry I haven't updated sooner but things are looking good. Introduced a cal mag foliar spray last week. It seemed to have slowed the deficiency on the plant in the back. That plant I started later I'm not going to top and See how it turns out. I'm going to hash the entire plant.
Something is chomping on my leaves but otherwise things are going good. Tried to look at the bottom of leaves with a loop and searched everywhere. Can't find a thing and I don't even have gnats so I have no clue.
This has spread pretty rapidly on the one plant. The other is starting but much slower, plants 3&4 seem to be ok for now. Might be thinking calcium, my stalks are super bendy like a cooked noodle as well.


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