New Grower 2nd grow moby dick xxl

I’ve pretty much decided Fastbuds and Mephisto are go to breeders for me and I’m trying to work through a few different strains. GG4 is a staple and keep that in rotation because everyone knows it and likes it. Been experimenting with CBD strains but I think I’ll have enough of that for a long time so working on a multi steam grow currently.

Still new and want to get a few plants that I’ll run constantly so I can really master them. But all these damn choices makes that really tough
I’ve pretty much decided Fastbuds and Mephisto are go to breeders for me and I’m trying to work through a few different strains. GG4 is a staple and keep that in rotation because everyone knows it and likes it. Been experimenting with CBD strains but I think I’ll have enough of that for a long time so working on a multi steam grow currently.

Still new and want to get a few plants that I’ll run constantly so I can really master them. But all these damn choices makes that really tough
I was gonna go with GG4 with my 1st but thought u only get an oz per plant. so went with the mobys. I got 10 these my last 5. What are you yielding with the GG?

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Not that I'd get the same lol just wondering what's possible

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I was gonna go with GG4 with my 1st but thought u only get an oz per plant. so went with the mobys. I got 10 these my last 5. What are you yielding with the GG?

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I’m not a very good grower, just keep it really simple in DWC and the Fastbuds GG4 gets me between 5/6 ounces in 90 days.

You could easily get that in DWC as I haven’t concentrated enough in tgatvstraun yet to max it out. If dirt I would think 3/4 should be possible with s good light and Megacrop.
That's my next buy some better lighting gonna go with led to keep the heat down.what does dwc mean sorry im a complete newb

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That's my next buy some better lighting gonna go with led to keep the heat down.what does dwc mean sorry im a complete newb

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DWC is deep water culture, but really it’s jyst simple buckets full of water/ nutrients and some bubbles. It has been considered a pain by most but with the new lights and Megacrop honestly anyone can do it.

LEDs keep temps low so A lot of the water fungus bacteria and root rot problems that you might get with a hot room are eliminated. Add to that a light dose of a all in one fertilizer and honestly anyone can do it.

Take it slow and enjoy whatever you are growing however you grow it, maximize your grow for the equipment you have and you’ll be the happiest. Match the product you want to grow with the light you have and you’ll get some bad ass cannabis.

Dont think I'd have enough space I've got a cupboard in my loft conversion. Gonna look in to coco. My brother just started with coco @jonnyb2162 .Seems a better option than soil from what I've found. I've got 6 weeks to make my mind up anyway so I'll just keep reading and asking questions

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Day 60 looking a bit paggered but all but one have nice dense stinky buds on other one is stinking but not as dense 1st pic is shit one and pics are front and back

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Should be 20 days left so hopefully they beef up quick

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Got my dates mixed up 13 days to 12 weeks looking lovely way better than my last ones

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