Grow Mediums 2nd grow auto blueberry

Aug 13, 2016
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Hello everyone,
This will be my second grow in coco, and first with new type of set up.
Strain blueberry from ILGM
Converted a old dresser lined with panda film. Dimensions 2.5ft x 1.5 ft x 4.5ft.
6in vantech exhaust fan.
250 watt mh/hps light
Nutrients: botanicare grow, bloom, ripe, and silica blast. Gh bio root, and cal magic.
Light cycle will be 24/0 for the first 30 day and then will run the hps for 20/4.
I am using a 2 gal bucket with roughly the bottom inch of container with perlite.
I think that is all for now.

This will be my second blueberry. My first grow I topped her and did very minor lst. She yielded me a little over an ounce through all my mistakes, she took roughly 9 weeks from sprout to harvest. This grow I will not be topping and will only lst her.
She sprouted last Wednesday and seems to be growing a lot faster than the last grow so hopefully this run will go a lot smoother. I will also include a couple pictures of my last grow when things started to go bad, not sure if she was not getting enough or to much of something.
Thank you all and have a great day


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Hello, to everyone today, hope all is well.
I have figured out that there could be a fault in the blueberry seeds from ILGM. Last grow I thought that I had broke off or damaged a new leaf set coming in. The girl is showing that she is missing half of the leaf set.
I have mixed my nutrient solution for the next couple days.
Cal mag- 1tsp
Bio root- 2 tsp
Grow- 3.5 ml
Silica blast 1.5 ml
Total PPM=499
Tap= 139
Feed= 360
Ph = 5.7
Mixed to 1 gal of water. I will let the mixture bubble,and feed this evening.
How is she looking?
Everyone have a great day.
Have a quick question for you guys. Yesterday morning when I pre made my nutrient solution I had ph'd to 5.7 and when I checked the ph last light before feeding it went up to a 6.3. I have not fed yet, I ph' the solution again to 5.6 and this morning came out at 6.1. I am using tap water and let solution sit for 12-24 hours with a air stone for aeration.
Hey noob420

I don't really know about Botanicare nutes. What are you using for PH down? If I might ask. I think sometimes when you pH Your solution down with a natural substance like vinegar it tends to drift afterwards. Well I guess everything is natural. But, I prefer phosphoric acid for my pH Down. I use General Hydroponics nutrients and reverse osmosis water which probably gives me more stability. The reverse osmosis water that is.
Hey noob420

I don't really know about Botanicare nutes. What are you using for PH down? If I might ask. I think sometimes when you pH Your solution down with a natural substance like vinegar it tends to drift afterwards. Well I guess everything is natural. But, I prefer phosphoric acid for my pH Down. I use General Hydroponics nutrients and reverse osmosis water which probably gives me more stability. The reverse osmosis water that is.
I am using the general hydropics ph down.
Funny I use pretty much their whole life but I don't use their pH Down. Not that I think there's anything wrong with it it just happened that I bought a quart of phosphoric acid and it'll last me years.