Mephisto Genetics 24 Carat and a Chemdogging By Margahooja

Looks swell marga, what's the flower density like? :)
Looks swell marga, what's the flower density like? :)

They are pretty firm, not rock hard but by no means soft or fluffy. My 24 carat is rock hard, I'd say the Chemdogg is about a notch or 2 under rock hard. Sticky as hell, I just went and felt her so I can write this, now I'm sitting here sniffing my fingers!
I think you'll hit close to 3 zips, that's my guesstimate :)
nice growing anyway mate
Wow, I just skimmed the post and all I picked out was

They are pretty firm, not rock hard but by no means soft or fluffy. My 24 carat is rock hard, I'd say the Chemdogg is about a notch or 2 under rock hard. Sticky as hell, I just went and felt her so I can write this, now I'm sitting here sniffing my fingers!

I need to start reading things properly and stop trying to rush haha
Wow, I just skimmed the post and all I picked out was

I need to start reading things properly and stop trying to rush haha

I may have to start re -reading before I submit. I got way too excited.
Wow, I just skimmed the post and all I picked out was

I need to start reading things properly and stop trying to rush haha

It's Mitchs fault, he got me started.
Don't blame me! Although, I hold my hands up to trying to make my ladies as perverse and pornographic as possible :)
24 Carat Day 66

Here's day 66, fed plain water, I'm thinking 7-10 more days to finish.


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