2024 Mephisto/Darkowl/Humboldt Grow

Day 3
  • Mephisto 3BOG/Mango Smile IMG_20240905_044455947.jpg

    Humboldt Seed Co Sour Apple Auto IMG_20240905_044502649.jpg

    Darkowl Marathon OG (Had Helmet Head so she is behind the others)IMG_20240905_044515909.jpgIMG_20240905_044521485.jpg
    Day 7
  • IMG_20240909_093915770.jpgDarkowl Marathon OG she is behind the others because of a helmet head. I was going to cull her but she is starting to grow 🪴. I have another Marathon OG in the seed tray. So I will be growing 5 plants in my 4x4 SMH. It's going to be tight.:coffee::coffee2: