Mephisto Genetics 2019 Artisanal Communal Test Thread!

those are WHITE 3 gallon pots that I place inside of a BLACK 5 gallon pot in order to get the picture... otherwise the white pot reflects all the light from the camera flash and messes up the picture

I read a tip guide found on Royal Queen Seeds website I think, on taking photos of canna and it suggested using white as a backdrop for good pictures. Its def hard to work with though because of light reflection. Nice looking plants. Like the symmetry of the structures you are able to keep with your training.


I read a tip guide found on Royal Queen Seeds website I think, on taking photos of canna and it suggested using white as a backdrop for good pictures. Its def hard to work with though because of light reflection. Nice looking plants. Like the symmetry of the structures you are able to keep with your training.

If you have enough ambient light to not require the flash on then white can be great

and I will be totally honest with you the only training I do is some tuck and pluck along the way. I don't have the time for it lol
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If you have enough ambient light to not require the flash on then white can be great

That's what I'm playing with. Bouncing a halogen shop light off the ceiling and some other stuff. Going to look at the loca used market for photography lighting. Might be able to get a used light or two for cheap. Maybe look at a shoe mount flash for my DSLR too with a diffuser and swivel to bounce it up. Good thing is once I get a setup that works it won't require any more work other than taking pictures of plants.
I thought it was to make sure phenos are staying same and no herms. But I guess you want a pest resistant plant. but so far any plant that had bugs has been stunted or died. So none are pest resistant so far when roots are involved.

pest resistance, how does it perform in coco, dwc, different nutes, different climates etc, different grower levels. these are F4, so stability should be pretty well set, although I'm a good candidate for testing for herm instability. so far, they are all more sensitive to feed and light than most of the Meph strains I've ran. Also, the tests give all others a chance to find a similar styled grower, and an idea of how they'll perform.

just my thoughts on the things I'd want to know if I was in Mephistos position.
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Day 47 from the drop. Just the test girls indoors now, they've filled in the tent.

Back right is the Hubbabubba Haze, front right is the Pink Panama. Front left Mango Smile, and the SOH is hiding back left side... in hindsight the net might not be the greatest for individual pictures... will give it some thought and come up with something.
Pink Panama day 44 looks like finishing the fastest


Mango Smile day 44 really starting to make buds


Hubbabubbahaze day 41..same, making bud


Super Orange Haze day 40 is staying a bit smaller and always has a little curl to it's leaves but she's very healthy and looks promising for very good medicine.
My second SOH is growing the same exact way, slower than everything else but very healthy. Like @slowandeasy had said above.

All between about 4-6 weeks old. Gave them all a much needed flush over the weekend. Ms the 6 weeker in the middle at 42 days. Crazy amount of branches and budsites. Just getting a lil stretch on its looking like she finally went up from 10" tall to 12" since yesterday. Pp front right at 4 weeks still small but ill take it. Soh back right at 5 weeks doing a lot better after her flush. Hbh back right at 4 weeks just barely showed sex. Crazy branching i hope she gets a lot bigger. AvT front right at 4 weeks sitting at 20" tall and killin it. Avt, ms, and soh are ready to build bud. Pp not far behind.

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