Outdoor 2014 Balcony + LED Think Different, Pineapple Express and Critical Jack

Mar 18, 2014
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Hello Everyone,

First, big thanks to all for posting such amazing journals, helping to solve the concerns we have about our beauties.

I am about to start. I'm just waiting for the gear to arrive so I'll post pictures as soon as there is anything that worth seen.

The details as follow;

Critical Jack Auto (delicious seeds)
Pineapple Express Auto (G13)
Think Different Auto (DP)
All sourced from www.pickandmixseeds.co.uk

Bio Grow
Bio Bloom
Top Max
Canna Rhizotonic
Plant Magic Plus Magne-Cal
Other adds: PH down and Liquid silicon as PH up

Bio Bizz All Mix
Jiffy 7 (for rooting)
15L Airpots

Growing space:
Tiny Balcony (50cm x 140cm)
Closet (50x60x140cm)

At Balcony: 8.5hrs of direct sunlight (if any as other UK growers may know) + 3hrs of indirect light. The lux reading at indirect light is about 19-20 in a good day and about 8 on a bad one.

At Closet: Apollo4 180w (unsure about the true W) for 10 Hrs, or more depending on how bad the day is out.

So here is how I plan to put all this together.

Initially I planned just to put a pot outside with some All Mix with an auto seed on it and feed some Bool at flowering stage. However, then I though about doing it better, so I came to the conclusion that relying on British weather to be good this year wasn't enough. Therefore I decided to make put an LED in to complement the lack of sun light.

I have seen some growers concern about changing the environment so much may stress the plant but I also know that the nights out are a bit to cold around 5c. So I don't know what is worst. However, I plan to start the grow inside only on the LED for about 30 days so hopefully May will be warmer and sunnier. So I'll take the first plant out and kickstart the next seed. If the weather fails me I would just keep using the LED.

What would you do with what I got?

Thanks in advance for shipping in with your views and comments. Special thanks to Hansbricks and his advice on the LED :grin: (unknown territory for me).
Ahh Hello Pillox

Nice to have you here. To answer your question. I think I would do exactly what you are planning to do. You can always keep it warm with a box made plastic box/greenhouse, just a little one for you plant.

Good Luck, and why don't you swing by the Introduction area and get yoursel known, let the other's know what you are about.

INTRO'S <---


Thanks Eek,

I will try the box/greenhouse idea keeping a close eye on it to se how she responses to the temperature. If the feedback is good that would be great so I can keep the next seed doing veg for 30 odd days while the other is flowering outside.

Thank you again for coming by, I will try posting steady info so the journal get enjoyable to watch. I will follow you advice and go by the intros section (cheers for the tip)
I just got my self PE as well ....:dance2:... hey pilllox ...
man and good luck with your grow couple good links in my sig if you haven't come across them already and also a help link :smoke:
Goodluck with this grow, should get a decent stash, just bear in mind those thinkdiffs may take 100 days.

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Goodluck with this grow, should get a decent stash, just bear in mind those thinkdiffs may take 100 days.
Thanks for the links and the wishes CGR, I'm gonna be sure to keep track of your P.Express :D

Thanks for the tip maffro, you just give me an idea. I should make a poll to find out what others think the order of sowing should be on my grow.

To be honest I have not a clue, at first I though about doing it at random. But provably will be best be be a bit more scientific about it.

I believe I should start by the ones that take the shortest to harvest. That will allow me to pop the next one quicker and also to the the goodies sooner. But if you can think about any other parameters to take into account please let me now.
Welcome brother :tiphat: Il be subbed in for this grow for sure "Munch..munch..munch Sounds like you have it all worked out :) I voted on your poll i have found critical jack a pleasure to grow and a quick finisher, love the taste and the stone you get from it. One thought on your airpots... I have completed my grows in 3l airpots and been more than happy with the results and they equaled using a standard 15l pot. The only downside was they dry out quite quickly once your plant gets some serious weight on it but as long as you can check it once a day it will be fine. I'm now upgrading to 6l for the next grow just so drying out won't be an issue. Is there any reason why your using such large pots? Your plants may get to an unmanageable size and it would be a shame to have to top an auto. I have a photo northern lights in a 6l airpot that is close to 5ft. Just a thought... Thanks for the message you sent any help i can give just drop me a message.

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Welcome brother :tiphat: Il be subbed in for this grow for sure "Munch..munch..munch Sounds like you have it all worked out :) I voted on your poll i have found critical jack a pleasure to grow and a quick finisher, love the taste and the stone you get from it. One thought on your airpots... I have completed my grows in 3l airpots and been more than happy with the results and they equaled using a standard 15l pot. The only downside was they dry out quite quickly once your plant gets some serious weight on it but as long as you can check it once a day it will be fine. I'm now upgrading to 6l for the next grow just so drying out won't be an issue. Is there any reason why your using such large pots? Your plants may get to an unmanageable size and it would be a shame to have to top an auto. I have a photo northern lights in a 6l airpot that is close to 5ft. Just a thought... Thanks for the message you sent any help i can give just drop me a message.

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Thank you for staying around. You have raised a really important point about the pots. For some reason I though that being autos would make them short. But if you have seen an auto grow that much I should look into this. Unfortunately I already got the pots so I am thinking that maybe I should shorten the pot by placing the bottom plate higher. And see how it goes with the first plant.

Does anyone has used this pots on this size outdoor? so I can get an idea of what am I dealing with.

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The post man has brought on April, How great is that :coffee2:
Well, I have done some adjustments to the airpots to address possible issues with the size of the plant. I have shortened by 12cm (5 in) leaving an available volume of 8.5 litres. I think I will start by sowing the Pineapple Express as it seems to be the shortest time to harvest and the smallest of the three. Therefore I can "guesstimate" the size of the other 2.

I don't want to show any favouritism but I rather experiment with the PE rather than with the other two. :grin:

I have attached a picture of the re-sized pot and the tools I have used. It was pretty easy, I have marked the path with the saw and then used the knife to cut it. I may even increase the size of the bottom holes as the originals.
