Outdoor 2012 season begins

Dam man i hate this climate. I went and moved my mazar under a tree last night & trew netting over it shes about a week r 2 max left and all i can see is rain on the way. I didn't want to chop her early but I may regret it. Hope our summer not finshed already :( gud luk man
maffro, do you see now how all these LR family plants are unadepted to outdoor conditions? They rise mold rather then resist it.
Been battered by rain and strong wind for 2 days so i had to chop the supcritauto in 2 goes as mould was in every bud it semed. Heres a phone pic from between chops.
Had a blunt of mould rescued think diff last night but it didnt do much ! One of the little mazars is getting some resin but the thinkdiffs seem a long way off finishing.
maffro, do you see now how all these LR family plants are unadepted to outdoor conditions? They rise mold rather then resist it.

Thanks for stopping by Akaman, do you mean the lowrider plants ? That one i had outside did ok - 10 grams of bud during the wettest may june on record ! Its the think diffs that are getting the rot, well every plant is getting some mould but im putting it down to the weather this season.
Heres some of the blueberries which i started at the start of july, last years finished in 70 days so im hoping these will finish before the end of sept - it says in the DP catalogue the blue colours come out with low temps so hopefully this will work !




Think diff (Ithink?) This last batch i tried something different after 3 weeks of 20 - 4 under cfl i gave them an other week of 12 -12 before putting them out. I definately kicked them into flowering. I also had a little fresian dew cutting and put that in for a week of 12 -12 and its looking sweet !
Hidden in the veg patch - Fresian dew cut.

Bigbang auto one week away i thinks

Spidey living it up at the Think different guest house


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Chop fucking chop (Chopper Read)
mould lurking everywhere and a week of rain ahead so ive chopped all bar the lst thinkdiff. The blueberries are looking good too they have been fed with biobizzbloom today.




The bb and mazars do well the tds just ain't for our climate. Il try them indoors wen I get a chance.Nice work sticky finger karma ye
The bb and mazars do well the tds just ain't for our climate. Il try them indoors wen I get a chance.Nice work sticky finger karma ye

Cheers bro thanx for following, i still think the tds are worth a go, it was really wet this year and mine still produced some solid buds - ill see what the smoke is like before ordering more seeds (the one that is best for arthritus pain is the one ill mainly grow next year) ! Got some more still on the go that i started in july along with the blueberries and it will be interesting to see the difference in product (if there is one !!) the Blueberries are way ahead though, already got resinous buds.
so if your wondering how thinkdiffs stand up against the auto blueberries then look no further !

Thinkdiff on thre left and middle, blueberry on the right ( A little smaller but bigger buds coated with trics)


Autoblueberry, germinated on the 1st july, 3 weeks of 20 - 4 then a week of 12-12 out on the 1st aug

Thinkdiff, badly munched but has purped up and ive deffinately got my blunts worth !

lst'd thinkdiff now chopped, forgot to take a pic until half way through chopping ! Looks the best one by far, solid stinky buds with only a little mould.
Will post yields and smoke reports after they are all done and dusted !

The wettest season for 100 years it says in the papers, still got some buds though, think next year ill start the thinkdiffs and bigbang earlier. The Blueberries look the best though, after 60 days from germination they have good buds covered in resin ! If the thinkdiffs where all as good as the lst's one then i think they would have an ounce a plant easy.
Blueberry auto and some think different still going on up the mountains, bits n bobs of mould about and some crap weather on the way so will any of them turn blue ?

Blueberryauto center and right. Fresian dew left

Will they turn blue ? Probably got a week left in them before they are totally consumed with mould (unless there is a miracle with the weather) Anybody had a blue Blueberrry auto?