Outdoor 2011 auto grow journal



Hey, whats up guys, i am going to do an outdoor auto grow this year. i don's see that much outdoor auto grow journals that go from beginning to end so i decided to to make one. I'm growing purely outdoors(not starting inside). i bought regular Onix seeds last year and i germinated 5 of them. 4 of them got killed by little black ants, and the one that survived ended up being a male. so i crossed it with a sativaish bag seed and ended up getting about 60 seeds. i germinated 25 and they are already planted in cups. ill get pics soon. probably today, if they popped out of the ground yet. i also ordered some auto seeds online and they should come in soon. ill try to keep this up to date if i can.
DAY1: 2/25
Most of the seedlings popped out of the ground today so ill refer it as day one. there is not much action going on, as you can barely see the seedlings. I'm using Miracle Gro potting soil and the cups only hold about a pint of dirt. i germinated 25 and only 22 came up so far. out of these 25 I'm expecting about 5 auto flowering females and the rest I'm am going to toss away. i will also germinate 25 more of these seeds because later on in the season i wont have the time to mess around with them.
day1.jpgDay 1.jpg
Lookin good man... 5 fems out of 25 sounds a bit off... are you using a pre=ferted soil mix?
DAY 3: 2/27
well this is day 3 and 24 out of 25 seeds sprouted. i am using pre-ferted potting soil. Home Depo dont have any with no ferts. the reason there will only be be about 5 fem auto flowering plants because the genetics are an Onix crossed with a non auto-flowering bag seed.

this is my spot and it 5 feet by 6 feet. the fencing is 3.5 feet tall and it is a must in this area. last year i lost about 60% of my crop to rabbits.
DAY 5: 3/1
it rained today so the plants got watered. this morning i germinated 25 more of these seeds. this is kind of a practice grow and im just growing theses one's for fun. my seeds that i ordered should come in 3-4 days if customs dose not find them.
Gawd I wish i could get some stuff outside right now. Jealous mate.
I agree with Bailer on the weather situation... Good luck with your grow Autorush, looking forward to seeing them take off.
that makes three of us on the weather sit.... you look like you have a real nice spot there... lov the reeds all aound! reminds me of one of my spots!
Yah the weather is really nice right now. the lowest that it will probably go to will be like 50 degrees. i live below the 30 latitude so thats why. i planted some new seeds in pots today and the older plant are on day 7.
yeah its been nice here too... we've touched 40 degrees F in the daytime a few times! lol