I have never run coco before so ills tell you what I done and doing and if I doing something extremely stupid ,you can pipe up
So I gave the coco a drink of cal/mag when I preped the pots
My germ method is soak for 12hrs straight in the dirt cover with a wee plastic dome and wait till we see life
Now what I done with the coco is make a thumb sized hole on surface and filled with my normal soil/perlight mix
I guessing I will have to start feeding earlyer than I normaly would and I guessing a good time would be when I judge the roots are hitting the coco
once the roots hit the coco I am going to do a comparison between two bottles of each using fishmix and my own teas versus the Poundland range of nutes
I also have a 50/50 water/coco bottle which will sit in a tub so the water is level with the coco and has got a fish pump bubbler,,,, it's the only thing I got

I know more air the better but it a what it is ,,,,,,

This will be fed with poundland nutes,I would do another comparison bottle and use organic but I wouldn't want to try that unless I had lots of air
All five bottles will then sit in a basin which will also have air shaired with previously mentioned water/coco bottle
The intention to rig up some bottom fed system , a valve would be great like in an auto pot but I will come up with a way with a gravity fed something or another
Yea that's the starting plan

Ohh and i still need to decorate my bottle