Indoor 2 Liter Soda/Pop Bottle Fun Grow 2018

Yes I know my carpet needs vacuuming LOL. Anyway, I'M DONE!

She's now hanging in the tent in branches to dry... Day 91 but it feels much longer LOL!

Full rep to Bushy! :slap: Thanks so much for the competition!
Yes I know my carpet needs vacuuming LOL. Anyway, I'M DONE!
View attachment 943088
She's now hanging in the tent in branches to dry... Day 91 but it feels much longer LOL!

Full rep to Bushy! :slap: Thanks so much for the competition!
Looks good! Gardening and housekeeping don't mix, something's gotta give! Lol

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Looks good! Gardening and housekeeping don't mix, something's gotta give! Lol

Great looking plant. Didn’t even notice the carpet.

Nice specimen elle! Way to go everyone!

That's a fine looking lady Elle.....great job:bow::bow::pass:

Thanks guys! It was a really good use of the space. Once she's dry I'll see if I can get a weight because I'm curious - I'm using max 250w of light in there and there are two big plants to come down yet.