Indoor 2 Liter Soda/Pop Bottle Fun Grow 2018

6/19/18 Day 30 RQS Bubble Kush Auto's

Plant B has some blotches on her lowest and second fan leaves, taking lowest off once the stretch is done (it slowed a lot as of yesterday) and hope the other pair can handle another month. And hope for some nice nugs to smoke! She also stretched a bit more lanky and I had to top 4 more inches off last night to keep my canopy even with my other plants. Plant A is also developing some leave issues, but not nearly as pronounced and not seeming to develop more at this point. Plant A is my official plant for the competition @bushmasterar15 :smoking: Happy growing everyone and nice looking plants to all!

I should also note that they are getting watered/fed twice a day currently with 1/2-3/4 strength Nectar for The Gods.

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Hola 2ltr sisters and brothers.:toke:... @bushmasterar15 not sure if you need this update yet...but here it is bro lol:crying:

Vapot is on the 25th day and the lady growing out of his head is beginning to crown:bow:....she is turning out to be a nice flat canopy....she will be receiving bloom nutes from tomorrow:thanks::peace:
Hola 2ltr sisters and brothers.:toke:... @bushmasterar15 not sure if you need this update yet...but here it is bro lol:crying:

Vapot is on the 25th day and the lady growing out of his head is beginning to crown:bow:....she is turning out to be a nice flat canopy....she will be receiving bloom nutes from tomorrow:thanks::peace:View attachment 920659 View attachment 920660 View attachment 920661
Nice canopy you have started there. :thumbsup:

My girls seem so far behind everyone else. They only popped on 5/30 :shrug: