New Grower 2 Earthbox jr in a 2x2 with Amnesia & Mephisto CDLC

Now Day 101 for remaining cdlc and 105 for Amnesia.
Cdlc will get her final chop this weekend.
Amnesia might be a couple days later.


    points: 10
    I've been following this as I have been learning. I reread this journal from the beginning just now. It is SOOOO helpful. Great pictures. Spectacular descriptions. Great questions and answers. Congrats on a great grow and I look forward to the finish and the eventual smoke report. Really well done on the grow and the journal.
Day 111 for Amnesia and I am letting it go a few more until Final chop.

The top half I chopped is now in Grove bags.
Dry weight is 62 grams.
Cdlc was 41 grams
So total for the top harvest is 103 grams.
Hopefully another 60 grams for bottom harvest.