hey i'm not that familiar with using flushing mixes like the foxfarms sledgehammer should i give the plant another dose of the sledgehammer mix or just once at the start of the flush and pure h2o after that?
Rudy's flush just officially began. Waiting on the short easy Ryder a little longer. Pulled a whole pile of leaves from all the girls. Can really see the white russian's structure, and the short er is more developed than I thought.
i should have pulled many of these leaves earlier, think i was just hesitant since it was my first grow and i didn't want to over do anything with the girls
how many day prior to chopping her down should i water the white russian? just not sure when her last watering should be... guessing its not that be a deal just might change drying time. i just don't want her to be too wet or too dry? any advice?
im growing royal queens seeds ROYAL and sargarmatha WHITE RUSSIAN. tomorrow is five weeks from germination. the royal is got marble size buds going and the white russian is just starting to flower.
stonercafe, my white russian was an experimental release from the attitude birthday giveaway so she's a freebie and i'm not sure who's white russian they used to cross mine but 5 weeks seems like a long time to flower for an auto maybe she'll be a monster for ya with that much veg time. good luck
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