New Grower 1st Indoor Grow-Hillbilly Rigged Setup

During the first night of drying in the walk-in crawl space, RH jumped from 60% to 88% :yoinks:
Moved into the utility closet with the Midwest Widow. Not ideal with the jump in temps it was 78f 50% RH yesterday as we had a 75 degree mid-December heat wave. Much better this morning as rain and a cool front moved through, 68f and 63% RH. All ways an adventure!
:peace: :jointman:
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The runt/mutant Purple Kong is dried and curing. This bugger was going to be pitched after a few weeks and then was pretty much neglected. Still gave just under 3/4 oz of nice sticky bud.
The hillbilly rigged utility closet is down to one resident. Brother Mendel’s Midwest Widow. Healthy and hearty strain so far. At day 62 in a half liter pot with Biobizz light. Getting water/Sensi Bloom daily to runoff.


Well, as of yesterday, the hillbilly rigged closet is empty. Chopped the Brother Mendel’s Midwest Widow at 93 days. Hung to dry in the walk-in crawl space. Sitting at low 50s for both temperature and humidity. May have to call an audible as temps are projected to drop to zero later this week. Will have to monitor how much that impacts the conditions :eek1:
Midwest Widow by Brother Mendel is dried and jarred. Really happy with the yield considering the small container size and the torture plants endure in the hillbilly setup. It was a strong grower start to finish with no issues.
1/2 gallon container
Biobizz Light
AN Sensi Grow and Bloom
A few foliar sprays with kelp early on
A few shots of molasses
Weight came in at just under 62 grams!


With that, the hillbilly rigged setup is officially closed. Thanks for taking the journey with me!
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Uh oh, what have we here…

Purple RocBerry born 4/14!

While it will spend the first few weeks in the hillbilly rig, it will be transplanted to a larger container and move to be grown in a outdoor/indoor combo.

I’m working on an new hillbilly rig in the crawl space:yoinks: The idea is to get it the most sunlight possible while additionally providing supplemental light at night. This will also give me a way to give it a break during super hot summer days and shelter from storms.

I’ll stick with Biobizz light mix. Not sure what size container it will end up in. I’m so used to growing in little containers that I’ll need to relearn watering and feeding:eek1:

Planning on starting a new thread, I’ll drop a link here and hope y’all come on the next hillbilly rigged journey with me!
Here’s a link to the new hillbilly adventure
