Indoor 1st indoor grow - Green Poison

I think maybe you should ph the water to th top of the range this feed. Go like 6.8 in and check the first bit of run off.
That should get you to 6.0-6.1
Stashmouth is right in my opinion and 3 days between waterings for that size plant and pot should be long enough, i'd have thought. It's probably a combo of low pH and being thirsty.
Could use some advise... Day 41 from seed. I am assuming this is the flowering stage and I have dropped humidity to 40% and water every three days ph'd at 8 because runoff was quite low. Flushed last week from 4 to 6 and should be at 6.5 but will check tomorrow. Haven't seen any growth the last week or so. Don't know what to do other than be patient. Suggestions? Wen should I stop watering? I hope The flowers start to fill out... First time... Don't know how this works here...


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Dunno if watering with ph 8 water is a good idea even if runoff is low. if the plants weren't showing symptoms of pH issues when the runoff pH was low then just leave it imo. To be honest I don't even bother checking my runoff unless I see problems and I water with quite low pH. If your runoff is 6 or 6.5 then definitely don't water with ph 8 actually cos 6 is fine. I read somewhere that you should pH the water with pH adjuster etc but the runoff pH should be adjusted with soil amendments and if that's the case then it could be the high watering pH that is the problem.

You should start flushing about two weeks before harvest but I can't tell you exactly when that'll be, you just have to make an assessment based on the trichome development and growth you've seen so far. If you're using organic nutes then you don't really need to flush imo, but just giving them water for the last few waterings can't hurt and would be the safe bet.

I'm sure other more experienced growers will chime in and give some more reliable advise sorry I can't be of more help.

All the best

TheCannabist said:
Dunno if watering with ph 8 water is a good idea even if runoff is low. if the plants weren't showing symptoms of pH issues when the runoff pH was low then just leave it imo. To be honest I don't even bother checking my runoff unless I see problems and I water with quite low pH. If your runoff is 6 or 6.5 then definitely don't water with ph 8 actually cos 6 is fine. I read somewhere that you should pH the water with pH adjuster etc but the runoff pH should be adjusted with soil amendments and if that's the case then it could be the high watering pH that is the problem.

You should start flushing about two weeks before harvest but I can't tell you exactly when that'll be, you just have to make an assessment based on the trichome development and growth you've seen so far. If you're using organic nutes then you don't really need to flush imo, but just giving them water for the last few waterings can't hurt and would be the safe bet.

I'm sure other more experienced growers will chime in and give some more reliable advise sorry I can't be of more help.

All the best


That sounds like damn good advise! Any other people want to "chime" in???
Looking good. Wish I can see some more bud growth. Not using nutes as my guy at the head shop told me not to buy since the dirt he sold me has more then enough and it will be overkill.

I am thinking about two to three more weeks!


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when i done creamcaramel it was slow in the middle stage then fast

so dont lose hope bro

very nice sofar
Thinking about two more weeks... Some photos.


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Seeing more yellowing of leaves. Any suggestions?


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Some advise please! The yellowing of the leaves are spreading and I am not sure if I should spray with salt water or... No idea.


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