New Grower 1st Grow CFL BioDiesel Mass Auto (x2)

I found with my Criticals they really took off from day 60/62and carried on all the way to day 80 when I finally got bored of waiting, lol.

Judging by your pics your buds have finished their first swell, the second swell between day 40 and 55 with criticals seemed very slow and sometimes unnoticable but then as I say, you'll get day 60 and the buds will double if not triple in size with the third and final swell. you've got some great thing about to happen.

I'd imagine you'll pass the oz mark quite easily.

Looking good tho dude, roll on with the next update.


I chopped down my plants but left a few little popcorn nuggets which hadn't quite finished so I put them in the greenhouse and forgot about them until today.

One week in the sun (well, I do live in the UK so not quite sun) and the taste and smell has changed from a piney hash taste to a sweet grapefuit, almost sour grapefuit at times.
Just thought I'd pass that along, a few days sunshine did wonders for flavour.
Nice one RivalFish,

Thanks for the info...appreciated!

Having read your advice I'm looking forward to the second swell & buzzing at the fact great things are about to happen...newbie grower & all that!

I would be happy if I make the oz mark on the 1st 2...The 2nd 2 are gonna be a different story altogether though...

I normally do my updates weekly on a Wednesday so I'll stick up some more pics & do a decent update in a couple of days!

You crack me up forgetting about the nuggets in the greenhouse...stoner, LOL! But then again it was a blessing in disguise!

Oh yeah & in regards your thread...125w or 250w, Go with the 250w if you can!
Cheers Sir Cunning,

The 1st two are my initial attempt at growing so not too bad all considered!

The 2nd two will definitely benefit from my improved knowledge, skill & improved growing conditions...hopefully!

I’ve checked out your grow & your plants are really amazing!

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...& you crack me up with some of your comments!

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I’m a bit quirky but your of the hook mate...LOL!

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Sorry mate I'm back! Hahahaha. You gave me a good laugh when I got back to my laptop that night. Cheers bro.

And as for these guys?

Homer-typing.png GlAd U lIke thE pLA-n-ts 'Sir Cunning'...

3702_homerlook1_vote44.gif ...Oh yes, they are coming on nicely!

homer-simpson-1.jpg But your's my friend are better....


Angry-homer.gif 4545.jpg Homer.png Homer-J.-Simpson.jpg...that's better!

I'll do an update tomorrow, LOL

Diary Update:

Wow what a week!

My 1st 2 Bio Diesel Mass (BDM) plants are now 7 weeks old today, 49 days & counting.
DSC_0002.jpgDSC_0005.jpgDSC_0011.jpgDSC_0012.jpgDSC_0014.jpg Plant A
DSC_0003.jpgDSC_0006.jpgDSC_0008.jpgDSC_0013.jpgDSC_0014.jpg Plant B
DSC_0005.jpg In situ.

They are so close to the final stage now!... You can almost see the finish line...

This is the last week of feeding the girls...(nutes) !!!

...from next week WATER ONLY! That will give 'em 2 weeks to flush out the nutes before harvest....

I have been advised the buds should also go through a final swelling stage & to top all that off...
imagesyuug.jpg 'I know, I know'...

I've got an 60x magnifier. I can now see the trichomes & the buds look AMAZING, LOL

My other 2 are growing like grazy compared the 1st 2 at the same stage...
DSC_0002.jpgDSC_0003.jpg 2nd Grow day 14...
DSC_0011.jpg (1st 2 @ 14days)

Better pots & soil see!

PS You can properly tell, I ain't got much work done today...

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Looking very nice dude, the next two weeks will blow your mind.

Hope your a chubby chaser cuz they're about to fatten up nice and plump ready for a good ol roastin.
Give her another blast of potassium up the ass and she how she goes.

Done a damn fine job considering you were skeptical towards the beginning.

Much respect dude

I salute you!

Your motivating & informative post inspired me just when I needed a boost...

& others no doubt...
32759-142714-fatchic.jpg ‘Give her another blast of potassium up the ass and she how she goes’.

Hell yeah!...

‘Done a damn fine job considering you were skeptical towards the beginning’...
drill_sergeant.jpg 'Thank you'!...Sir?

Shit man...gonna have to dig out Full Metal Jacket now, lol!
How tall are you, private?
Sir, five-foot-nine, sir.
Five-foot-nine, I didn't know they stacked shit that high!

Love that movie, god it been years since I last watched it.

No worries bro, your doing a fine job and its only gonna get better.

Let us know if your leaves start changing colour in this last stage. My Critical Mass took on a kinda turquoise colour. wouild love to see if its followed through into the BioDiesel.

Kudos dude.

Hi Rivalfish,


I'll keep an eye out for any turquoise colour changes & let you know. The only changes lately are the fan leaves turning a light green & dying off...

Cheers pal & good karma.
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