OHHHH they're gonna be stellar buds,and thats a fact!! Ive grown the Sour lemon once already,one of thee best edible buds with. a sati high,I mean intense smile motor is at full idle with that flower. I ate a gram or maybe a small tick over 1 gram decarbed in yogurt with a 1/4 teaspoon or 1/2 tsp of Sunflower Lecithin and got rush after rush of smiley energy and so forth.back still hurt but its not morphine LOL! but its killer. the fairy frosts are looking amazing. the rainbow moonstgones are a little less dense than I would have thought they would have been. but I aint dione and I want wuality so Im not always bugging about yield really. when its less I get bummed but I cant complain bout the yield and/or quality.
Stone?yeah he can be,but cant we all be at times? I know his life is tough right now and he is trying to get away from the dragon line since Im VERY VERY good friends with Monkey who works with Stone and he too is an excellent breeder too. so if that IS the case ,I dunno what to say about it Pop22 bro. only small issue I had recently id the Stone Dragon Special reserve didnt pop worth a damn. might have been sensitive. BUT ill retry them soon enough.I also know he is mood as hell and thats where WE or I split ways. I just cant have extra stress in my life. so I was done wuickly,but to say there are inferious genetics coming out of the Portal? WOW! Im not sure I buy that just yet anyways