Photoperiod DogterB’s 3x3: First Run

Day 89, F 46

Her pH is holding steady now and I hope that the worst is behind us. It doesn’t seem to be progressing, but it could just be wishful thinking
Looks beat up but I agree with Leaff. Still have a few weeks to go, the leaves won't recover and look better but if you keep it singing like you were it should finish decently.
Yeah she lost a lot of fan leaves but I’m hoping it was just the worst affected dying off. She’s thickening up though, so hopefully back on track somewhat
Ooh yes, they seem to have thickened up a bit! Well, although a bit of a mess up you really had a wonderful plant going through veg. It looks like it will turn out ok. If you do another run and keep that pH in check I can't wait to see what sort of monster plant you bang out next.
. The close up leaf picture looks like you may have pests. Underside of leaves may reveal which culprit.
Sorry to add insult. Nice phat buds though.
Thanks for looking out! On inspection, no pests were noted. Seems like the spots are from my pH issues, they are depigmented spots. Haven’t changed in a couple of weeks, so at least that’s what I’m hoping.