Photoperiod DogterB’s 3x3: First Run

Day 44

Flipped her on Sunday
Flipped the timer, eh? The stretch is going to be exciting watching all the stalks pop up. I like to count my total days and days in flowering. Lets me look back later and see how long things run. Especially if it's a strain that might get grown again.
Do you start your flower day count at flip? Or once flowering really sets in?
Do you start your flower day count at flip? Or once flowering really sets in?

I count from the flip. Just so I can also see how long it takes for "flowering" to set in. Just keep a few notes handy in case I grow the strain again. I currently have some clones going and it will be the third run of this particular strain. I've had quite consistent timing on the prior two.

If you think you want to take a couple cuttings there are tons of guides online but I do mine totally wrong. I just snip 3-4 little stems that have small leaves on them. I set them in shotglasses of plain tap water. It takes a few weeks but haven't had one fail to root yet. I like the longer timeframe as I can finish the current plants, hang, dry, trim, and reset before they are needing to be potted up. I do have a small clone tent with one of those CFL "grow" bulbs in it. Seems to work easy enough.