LOL! and that still ain't everythang............

Yea, I forgot all about my collection of African and South American Land Race Sativas I want to play with once I have the room to play. They are in the deep freeze. It’s crazy how many you can acquire in a short period of time.LOL! and that still ain't everythang............
You guys are stocked, for sure.
Wish I now also had my old stocks of hundreds of beans of various crosses,
plus a near infinite source of outdoor bag seed from large scale grower friends.
"Hey, you got any seed I can have?"
"Sure, how much you need?"
Pulls out a whole jar of like a half kilo of seeds.....
"Um.... just a handful is okay..."
Grabs like 500 beans....
Recently got in contact with a very old college friend.
Found out she's also now into autoflowers!!!
I offered to sponsor her next grow, and maybe go with Linda or Seed Stockers.
This thread was very helpful.
Plan to drop off a nice La Buena Hierba seedling outside later today.
Wish me luck!
Plant is out. Location is pretty good.
Pot means can move it if needs require.
Maybe some rain and cooler weather for a day or two.
Always ideal after plant out, helps acclimatization.
If your doing a thread, tag me!
I just placed my next order from Linda Seeds. So pleased with their service esp in times like these. You can also get Seed Stockers from Linda.You guys are stocked, for sure.
Wish I now also had my old stocks of hundreds of beans of various crosses,
plus a near infinite source of outdoor bag seed from large scale grower friends.
"Hey, you got any seed I can have?"
"Sure, how much you need?"
Pulls out a whole jar of like a half kilo of seeds.....
"Um.... just a handful is okay..."
Grabs like 500 beans....
Recently got in contact with a very old college friend.
Found out she's also now into autoflowers!!!
I offered to sponsor her next grow, and maybe go with Linda or Seed Stockers.
This thread was very helpful.
Plan to drop off a nice La Buena Hierba seedling outside later today.
Wish me luck!
It is not easy to continue a thread that went dead.No, I'm not. Have had some very bad luck in the last year or two.
Hate starting a grow journal, to have them ripped, or die, or not even germ.
So just lowering the hype and doing my thing, sharing when everything works okay.
But the last grow(s) are all in my signature line.