Indoor 00 Seeds' Autos HPS 600w DTW - Growpito Sim Mix

Day 19
70-75% RH
1300 ppm x 6
5.8 ph

So the messed up plant is recovering, still lighter in color than I would like but recovering. The rest are vigorous with the kush strains getting height but thankfully not bushy. Now the California kush strains are both bushy and slightly shorter. I've broken apical dominance on all of them and super cropped them multiple times.

Judging by waste amounts,
K1 drinking a lot with nothing in the pan
K2 is equal with CK2
CK1 is recovering and drinking a bit less

I tend to worry when I don't see runoff but they are all developing roots up the sides of the pots and really thriving. The green stuff is algae that didn't harm my plants last grow and my timer was set wrong and dumped water in my tent resulting in a 4x4 of algae lol.

Don't have much else to add. I'm down for questions though

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
Thanks. These are growing better with less nutrients than the Northern Lights with way more growth. I like this sim mix the most and I can't wait to do my Blue Dream by Fast buds in the reuse phase with their enzymes.

It is my sincere hope that the sick one stresses to the point it produces some of the finest kush known to man despite probably yielding little.
In your hands I know these babies are about to blow the F@@K up...:cheers:

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
Day 21
65-70% RH
1300 ppm x 6
5.8 ph

Both kush plants have begun pre flowering while K1 is the biggest and most unwilling to break apical dominance. Still super cropping as I go and CK1 is recovering well. It won't be large maybe not even an ounce.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
That's what I was thinking was most likely since the California Kush had calmag issues and ph issues. It only happened to the one plant but it isn't getting worse it just isn't vigorous anymore. Thanks
It looks like an overall nutrient deficiency with an emphasis on Cal-Mag but more than likely caused by PH problem.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
Day 46
55-60% RH
1500 ppm x 8 x 2 minutes
6.1 ph

Defoliated NL2. Cleaned the tent. NL1 getting defoliated tonight. Measured NL1 at 24"x36" and NL2 at 22"x32". I super cropped every single one lightly. I didn't notice until last night but the cropped branches get hard as fuck to the point I would have to go high up to do it and the stems are so stiff. Took some stem shots because they are way thicker than the ones from my first grow. NL2 buds got a bit bigger and NL1 is looking like it's actually flowering. First one is NL1 and the next set of stems is NL2

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Day 48
55-60% RH
1200ppm x 8 x 2 minutes
6.2 ph

Just refilled the res and I'll say 1200 ppm but probably tomorrow it will be 1500.

Bud sites getting bigger and I think NL2 stopped stretching as it's 1/2" shorter than NL1 but still smaller in general. My prediction as an optimist

NL1 - 10oz
NL2 - 8oz

Nothing else really going on that I can tell. They aren't growing more leaves and I believe I defoliated them well. Ever since flowering NL2 has been taco'ing pretty hard so I'll raise the humidity back to 60-65%. I ran out of Floralicious... Again. Due to my recent discovery of General Hydroponics attitude towards cannabis and their being owned by a nefarious company I will be switching to MegaCrop for my next grow.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
looking fab!
That's what I was thinking was most likely since the California Kush had calmag issues and ph issues. It only happened to the one plant but it isn't getting worse it just isn't vigorous anymore. Thanks

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
:toke:... D' has she been kinda sickly all along? Since you're running coco/drip, have you checked your run-off ppm's and pH to make sure they aren't out of line with build-up? This can lead to both pH issues, lockouts, toxicity symptoms,... it can be a mess of symptoms, and I definitely see more than one; this hints at some more unifying cause,.. I see that necrotic patching on other plants too,... The pale tops concern me most, if that's a potential micronute lockout or lack-of defc. starting,... get that data that matta', it hinges on those readings....
:toke:... D' has she been kinda sickly all along? Since you're running coco/drip, have you checked your run-off ppm's and pH to make sure they aren't out of line with build-up? This can lead to both pH issues, lockouts, toxicity symptoms,... it can be a mess of symptoms, and I definitely see more than one; this hints at some more unifying cause,.. I see that necrotic patching on other plants too,... The pale tops concern me most, if that's a potential micronute lockout or lack-of defc. starting,... get that data that matta', it hinges on those readings....
thanks W!