Indoor 00 Seeds' Autos HPS 600w DTW - Growpito Sim Mix

That's great!! They look super dense and frosty too! Mine got chopped down early because I went on vacation and underestimated how much water they needed and everything died but they finished like 1-3 weeks early so it wasn't too bad but I got almost a pound total and I'm almost done my live soil grow and those buds on this one are wayy better so next grow I'm going with better genetics not that mine were bad I just want more like the haze I have but great grow!


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It's official!

Day 1
70-75% RH
532ppm x 1

So this Growpito Sim Mix stays hydrated much more than two gallons on coir. I set my timer to water once a day, 12 hours earlier than this post, and I found the medium to be incredibly hydrated still. I'm going to have to consider, as the bag claims, watering less but we'll see. I made sure to coat the top layer in dry sim mix because it stays so moist I can see algae being an issue.

Now the reason for this post. All four kush have shown their leaves.

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Day 6
68-76% RH
550ppm x 6
5.8 ph

Sup stoners! So here's where we are at on day 6. I'll list out some pros and cons thus far.

- multi feeding has been seamless
- sim mix has not needed calmag yet
- growth has been consistent

I decided to feed six times a day and thus far no signs of issues whatsoever. I love it. Haven't seen a need for calmag and growth has been steady with minimal interference.

- algae from poor top dressings
- ph issues early on

I've had several algae spots pop up and hopefully the bennies - ROOT By RX Green Solutions - manage it for me. The black cubes in the sim mix are supposed to be for the bennies in some way or another. I don't rightly remember. My ph pens were messed up when I soaked the sim mix and all but one CK suffered for it while I'm assuming my multi feeds adjusted the ph. It seems I gave one slight photo inhibition that it is getting over but otherwise we are cherry

First two pics are CK while the last two are Kush.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
Day 8
65-75% RH
500 ppm x 6
5.8 ph

They grew a bit in two days and the photo inhibition runt is growing slowly but well trying to get over its issues lol. Three nodes each and no issues that I can see. No issues multi feeding thus far.

First two are Cali kush and the last two kush.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w