Indoor 00 Seeds' Autos HPS 600w DTW - Growpito Sim Mix

Day 12
70-75% RH
562 ppm x 8
5.5 ph

I started super cropping and they responded well. They all started developing a lot of side branching before the cropping and I'm excited to see what lst and defoliation will do. I'm still having problems with the one. It's leaves grow yellow but as they matured they turn green again. It has one less leaf set but it isn't getting better or worse.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
Sorry I couldn't read/like your whole thread, but I got arthritis in my fingers so I have to be more selective. Anywho, I found the post when you started using Growpito and I'm caught up. Btw, I've had the same ph problems with one of my girls, (Purple Nuggets), but she seems to be coming out of it now! Here's a couple pics!

Sorry I couldn't read/like your whole thread, but I got arthritis in my fingers so I have to be more selective. Anywho, I found the post when you started using Growpito and I'm caught up. Btw, I've had the same ph problems with one of my girls, (Purple Nuggets), but she seems to be coming out of it now! Here's a couple pics!


I have increased the feed to 1000 ppm and gotten the ph to 5.8 but I'm not seeing improvement. This has been an issue since day 5 or so so I'm hoping it improves or something otherwise I might kill it and grow an afghan mass or something
Day 14
70-75% RH
1100 ppm x 6
5.8 ph

I've added CaliMagic today but all but one kush strains are thriving. Roots coming out the pots on all of them through the bottom. I've super cropped them thus far and I have kept tube algae to a minimum with a thick top dressing. Doing an auto drip system that feeds six times a day to run off.

The last plant is growing with roots in the bottom but not many and despite increasing the feed it had not regained its color. I've added CaliMagic in hopes of improvement. I'm enjoying this medium and my plants are growing fast.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
Day 14
70-75% RH
1100 ppm x 6
5.8 ph

I've added CaliMagic today but all but one kush strains are thriving. Roots coming out the pots on all of them through the bottom. I've super cropped them thus far and I have kept tube algae to a minimum with a thick top dressing. Doing an auto drip system that feeds six times a day to run off.

The last plant is growing with roots in the bottom but not many and despite increasing the feed it had not regained its color. I've added CaliMagic in hopes of improvement. I'm enjoying this medium and my plants are growing fast.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
Looks like we're both using oil drain pans to catch run off and I really like the metal grate you've using to keep your girls elevated. I use an upside down plate just to keep them from standing in any run off that happens to leak out after the drain! :headbang:
Thank you! I ended up, so far, saving the kush plant with 200 ppm of CaliMagic and a feed strength of 1100 ppm. Color is coming back and I suspected a calmag issue when my healthier plants started developing brown spots despite roots pouring out the bottoms.
@Damien50 Your plants look great lad. Excellent job.

Karma up

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
Day 16
70-75% RH
1300 ppm x 6

So I added 300ish ppm of CaliMagic and the brown spots have stopped, colouring is getting better. I'll probably do CaliMagic from the start with this medium as it might be similar to coco in this regard or the KISS method isn't right for this medium.

Started breaking apical dominance on them all by way of super cropping and root development looks sick. I've already removed some fan leaves and cropped several side branches.

It has been easy to pony tail these in the medium though I may have damaged the root system a bit but these plants have been so vigorous that I'm not concerned.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w