Harvest & Curing DIY automated Drying & Curing box

Oct 17, 2016
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I'm gonna build my own dry and cure box from a winefridge and want to take you along for the ride. When I started out, with growing, there was a DIY Lights section that greatly inspired me, to build my own lights and just try stuff out.

After my last dry in the top of my running tent, during summer, without ac, I have to change something. So I want to bring down the temp and keep the humidity in the plants long enough to not become hay in a day. I could use an ac and humidifier to regulate the entire room but that would be like shooting at birds with tanks. So room is too big, we need a smaller box.

My first idea was to just take a regular Eurobox, put in a 20,- Dehumidifier and power that thing with a Hygrostat Controler, like the Inkbird IHC-200. And that would totally work. If I put that in my basement where it's nice and cool all year, this would be a valid way of drying my weed. Just set the Inkbird to 60/62, put the Dehumidifier in the Worker2 outlet, put the sensor and power cable trough a hole in the box, put in the grass and let it run. That'd cost you about 100,- to diy.

Now, I'm not a germophobe.. but the idea of drying my really nice buds that I've taken care of for months in the cellar, is not that appealing to me.

Luckily I've been ripping apart electronics since I was tall enough to peek onto the table, so I thought "if I already have a tec for a dehumidifier, why not use another one to control the temperature?" but in the eurobox that would quickly equalize and not be worth much. so insulation.
And at this point I realized that I was just building a fancy 2 way fridge with inverse humidor functionality. So I started looking into fridges, humidors and coolers. An found the Cannatrol. While I love the idea behind it, after seeing the implementation I want to build my own but differently. From reports on rollipup the Cannatrol regularly overshoots it's temp and humidity when regulating downwards. That's because the thermoelectric element used for dehumidification is contained entirely within the box. The hot side too. So when the humidity gets to the threshold tec2 gets turned on and does it's condensation thing. But it also releaseases the entire ?20 watts into the case which raises the temps and has tec1 turn on which also condenses water because it's just on/off not a variable voltage applied, and then it overshoots because of the thermal mass and large temp delta on both couples.

I'm gonna build this thing in different stages/iterations. X1 will also contain the entire dehumidifier entirely inside but will already control the thermo-couples differently. X2 will then iterate on the integration of the cooling and dehumidifying functionality.

The pieces I'm going to be using are a 37L thermoelectric winefridge, an esp32 microcontroller, sht45 sensor and some componentry to play with power. I'll be using python to write the software for it, because fuck doing that in c. The first version will have a simple segment display and no input, just the hardcoded, timed programm as a minimally viable prototype. For the next one I'll be thinking deeper on the ux of the thing. I don't want to write a dedicated app, to remotely control and monitor it, because if I die, who's gonna maintain that for future operating systems?! So I'm thinking touch display integrated flat into the top of the case so you can control it entirely locally but also configure your network settings for the webserver that'll be running on it, for the management interface.

At least that's the idea. Not an original idea, one thread that has inspired me on this was: this one. I'd also like to thank everybody who helped me figure things out. this will be a fun project.
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This is the basic idea behind it. You could also use an h bridge motor driver instead of the voltage module but i didn't want to power the tec with PWMed voltage, I only wanna control it using pwm because that's easy to output with the controller.

So instead of just switching the cooler of the fridge on/off at full power, which creates a high temperature gradient which causes condensation; I'm going to power it just enough to hold the temp or bring it down gently if someone opened the door. That way the cooler only gets as cold as it needs to and condenses as little water as possible during cure.

An additional variable to make this 100% viable is that you have to get the heat of the dehumidifer tec out of the fridge. Because if that thing constantly heats the fridge the cooler has to constantly work against it. Get cooler, condense... and we want all the condensation to be controlled and planned for.
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This looks like a very cool project, very interested to see how it turns out! Might have to brush off my python skills if it turns out well.

Hell yeah! I whipped up a little finite state machine to read out the temperature and humidity. And I learned something. This fancy sensor I've got (SHT45) is really accurate. Also in 80+ relative humidity and with water condensing on it. Buuuut that's because it's got a little heating element in it that you have to control and power on to take accurate measurements in high humidity situations. That also means that the chip heats up to over 85c when you do that, so you can't use the temperature off that chip anymore until it has reached equilibrium anymore. There is of course ways around this with putting in pauses for it to cool off but for future version I'm gonna add a second chip, just for temperature. Something like a TMP117, that one doesn't do humidity but it reads temperature very accurately and most importantly, since we're using i2c and the address of the sht45 ain't changeable.. it has a different address.

The fridge arrived today. In a 28c room it can hold 13c with passive cooling of the hot side. So that's quite nice, means there's some more potential by adding a fan to blow over the piping in the back. Not to get it colder (after all we want 20c) but to be able to get it back to stable quicker when the door was opened or a load of warm material was added (oh god that sounds so wrong)


I quite like the look of it too. Tho it does have to just run for a week and I'll need to get some baking powder, this thing still has some off gassing to do.


The sensor is on the right and the cold side of the cooling tec is in the back there. This thing is really nice and I wanna build this as non destructive as I can, so it looks like something you'd have bought in a really fancy store, hehe.
So I'll just use the same pathway they ran their wires and put a single 12v line in there from a dedicated psu. With that I can step down to and power anything I want in there.


The heatpipes are filled with r600a (basically butane) and entirely passive. The entire loop only contain 25g tho, so it has to be working on some sort of vapor chamber principle. In the bottom you see the box containing the power board and temp controller and on the top/left of that you can see the plastic channel nicely hiding the cable run to the inside, beside the thermoelectric element.

Next up is getting the pwm output stuff to work on the controller board and then build a rudimentary spline system for user definable response-curves. User experience and fine control are important to me. After all, I know I can't be arsed to use the thing later, if it frustrates me.
It's getting difficult to get the time during the week but I finished a little Curve/Spline class, so the temp and humidity can be controlled much smoother in the ranges closer to the target. Not just switched on/off.


kind of like that. so for the cooler for example, we want to hold 20c but we don't want to condense water on the cooler. so when we start to drift above the maintenance voltage (compensating loss and the heat from dehumidifier) we don't just jump up to the full 12volts. we just interpolate (0.1c accuracy), match and ease back down.

All the pieces have arrived, now I can get to working on the framework of the "application", software architecture is always my favorite part. Technically I could keep time with the controller itself but I wanted to use something a little more accurate. We do want to track our data precisely across a large timespan, plus I can use the clocksignal to do some fun little things; which is gonna become interesting once I get into controlling things.

In case any engineers are looking at that.. yes I will use the bottom rail for an i2c bus later, was to stoned to see it in the moment. :coffee2:
oh you guys are gonna love this. i'm gonna create some graphs and write some stuff but for anyone interested, here's the first log. notice how instead of going up and down like a normal cooler/dehumidifier it reaches a steady state where it draws the amount to stay at equilibrium. it's the curves. it's that simple.

Entering Idle State, only cooling
    Updating Idle State
        powering cooler 100.00%
        temperature: 25.01
        humidity: 51.82
    Updating Idle State
        powering cooler 100.00%
        temperature: 24.02
        humidity: 51.64
    Updating Idle State
        powering cooler 100.00%
        temperature: 23.03
        humidity: 51.46
    Updating Idle State
        powering cooler 100.00%
        temperature: 22.04
        humidity: 51.28
    Updating Idle State
        powering cooler 76.25%
        temperature: 21.29
        humidity: 51.14
    Updating Idle State
        powering cooler 57.44%
        temperature: 20.72
        humidity: 51.04
    Updating Idle State
        powering cooler 43.33%
        temperature: 20.30
        humidity: 50.96
    Updating Idle State
        powering cooler 32.75%
        temperature: 19.98
        humidity: 50.90
****** Thermal mass at temperature ******
change the state
Exiting Idle State
Entering DryingState
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 24.81%
        temperature: 19.74
        humidity: 51.16
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 18.86%
        temperature: 19.57
        humidity: 51.42
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 14.39%
        temperature: 19.43
        humidity: 51.70
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 11.04%
        temperature: 19.33
        humidity: 51.98
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 8.53%
        temperature: 19.26
        humidity: 52.26
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 6.65%
        temperature: 19.20
        humidity: 52.55
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 5.24%
        temperature: 19.16
        humidity: 52.84
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 4.18%
        temperature: 19.13
        humidity: 53.13
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 3.38%
        temperature: 19.10
        humidity: 53.43
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 2.79%
        temperature: 19.08
        humidity: 53.72
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 2.34%
        temperature: 19.07
        humidity: 54.02
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 2.01%
        temperature: 19.06
        humidity: 54.31
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.75%
        temperature: 19.05
        humidity: 54.61
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.57%
        temperature: 19.05
        humidity: 54.91
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.42%
        temperature: 19.04
        humidity: 55.21
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.32%
        temperature: 19.04
        humidity: 55.50
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.24%
        temperature: 19.04
        humidity: 55.80
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.18%
        temperature: 19.04
        humidity: 56.10
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.13%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 56.40
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.10%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 56.70
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.08%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 56.99
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.06%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 57.29
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.04%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 57.59
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.03%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 57.89
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.02%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.19
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.02%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.48
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.01%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.78
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.01%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 59.08
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.01%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 59.38
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.01%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 59.68
    Updating DryingState
        powering cooler 1.00%
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 59.98
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 20.64%
        powering cooler 1.00%
        temperature: 19.13
        humidity: 60.17
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 35.27%
        powering cooler 3.58%
        temperature: 19.28
        humidity: 60.29
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 44.06%
        powering cooler 7.35%
        temperature: 19.44
        humidity: 60.35
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 49.04%
        powering cooler 11.27%
        temperature: 19.58
        humidity: 60.39
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 51.63%
        powering cooler 14.83%
        temperature: 19.70
        humidity: 60.40
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 52.77%
        powering cooler 17.83%
        temperature: 19.80
        humidity: 60.41
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 53.07%
        powering cooler 20.22%
        temperature: 19.87
        humidity: 60.41
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 52.94%
        powering cooler 22.05%
        temperature: 19.93
        humidity: 60.40
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 52.61%
        powering cooler 23.40%
        temperature: 19.97
        humidity: 60.40
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 52.22%
        powering cooler 24.38%
        temperature: 19.99
        humidity: 60.39
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 51.85%
        powering cooler 25.06%
        temperature: 20.01
        humidity: 60.39
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 51.52%
        powering cooler 25.53%
        temperature: 20.02
        humidity: 60.38
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 51.26%
        powering cooler 25.84%
        temperature: 20.03
        humidity: 60.38
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 51.05%
        powering cooler 26.03%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.38
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.89%
        powering cooler 26.16%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.38
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.77%
        powering cooler 26.23%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.38
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.69%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.38
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.64%
        powering cooler 26.29%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.60%
        powering cooler 26.30%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.57%
        powering cooler 26.30%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.56%
        powering cooler 26.29%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.55%
        powering cooler 26.29%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.29%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.28%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.28%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.28%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.28%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
    Updating DryingState
        powering dehumidifier 50.54%
        powering cooler 26.27%
        temperature: 20.04
        humidity: 60.37
****** No more water in material ******
change the state
Exiting DryingState
Entering CuringState
        powering dehumidifier 53.09%
        powering cooler 26.27%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 20.05
        humidity: 60.06
        powering dehumidifier 42.14%
        powering cooler 26.59%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 20.01
        humidity: 59.80
        powering dehumidifier 32.10%
        powering cooler 25.46%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.92
        humidity: 59.60
        powering dehumidifier 23.85%
        powering cooler 23.36%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.82
        humidity: 59.43
        powering dehumidifier 17.40%
        powering cooler 20.75%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.71
        humidity: 59.31
        powering dehumidifier 12.42%
        powering cooler 17.99%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.60
        humidity: 59.22
        powering dehumidifier 8.64%
        powering cooler 15.29%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.50
        humidity: 59.15
        powering dehumidifier 5.81%
        powering cooler 12.80%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.41
        humidity: 59.09
        powering dehumidifier 3.73%
        powering cooler 10.58%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.34
        humidity: 59.06
        powering dehumidifier 2.22%
        powering cooler 8.65%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.27
        humidity: 59.03
        powering dehumidifier 1.16%
        powering cooler 7.01%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.22
        humidity: 59.01
        powering dehumidifier 0.42%
        powering cooler 5.66%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.17
        humidity: 59.00
        powering cooler 4.54%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.14
        humidity: 58.99
        powering cooler 3.66%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.11
        humidity: 58.98
        powering cooler 2.99%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.09
        humidity: 58.98
        powering cooler 2.50%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.07
        humidity: 58.97
        powering cooler 2.12%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.06
        humidity: 58.97
        powering cooler 1.84%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.06
        humidity: 58.97
        powering cooler 1.63%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.05
        humidity: 58.96
        powering cooler 1.47%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.04
        humidity: 58.96
        powering cooler 1.35%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.04
        humidity: 58.96
        powering cooler 1.27%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.04
        humidity: 58.96
        powering cooler 1.20%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.04
        humidity: 58.95
        powering cooler 1.15%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.95
        powering cooler 1.11%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.95
        powering cooler 1.08%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.95
        powering cooler 1.06%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.95
        powering cooler 1.05%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.94
        powering cooler 1.04%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.94
        powering cooler 1.03%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.94
        powering cooler 1.02%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.94
        powering cooler 1.01%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.94
        powering cooler 1.01%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.93
        powering cooler 1.01%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.93
        powering cooler 1.01%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.93
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.93
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.93
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.93
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.92
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.92
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.92
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.92
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.92
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.92
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.91
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.91
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.91
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.91
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.91
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.90
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.90
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.90
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.90
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.90
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.90
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.89
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.89
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.89
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.89
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.89
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.88
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.88
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.88
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.88
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.88
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.88
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.87
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.87
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.87
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.87
        powering cooler 1.00%
    Updating CuringState
        temperature: 19.03
        humidity: 58.87

also, look towards the end, in the curing stage. you can see why you need a sponge with water, or your material will get dryer and dryer.

found another upside of doing it this way. we can just monitor the dehu power usage over time, if that's 0 for whatever amount of time, then we can auto-switch from drying into curing.

(spoiler alert, i've got ideas on the curing too. since chlorophyll breaks down into co2, you have to vent the fridge regularly. of course. but could you check the co2 delta over time to see how far the cure is?! that sounds like an interesting question to me)
Last edited:
Put me on the tester list. I think the move is to make and sell a kit to retrofit a wine fridge. It would save everybody on materials and shipping if it would be possible. And if you can get it to work, I think you could sell a bunch of kits for a could hundred $, even just to members here. Wine fridges are easily available new and used, so a conversion kit would be super sweet. Killer project @Druid :pass:
Put me on the tester list. I think the move is to make and sell a kit to retrofit a wine fridge. It would save everybody on materials and shipping if it would be possible. And if you can get it to work, I think you could sell a bunch of kits for a could hundred $, even just to members here. Wine fridges are easily available new and used, so a conversion kit would be super sweet. Killer project @Druid :pass:
A kit would be an interesting idea but I can do you one better. If this works out the way I hope it will, I can build and sell these for a fraction of the price of similar products. Just need to find a supplier for the thermoelectric wine-fridges.

Question for you all: Right now I've built it to automatically go from drying to curing if the humidity stays stable for x amount of time. You can define a minimum time for drying (2 days for example), if after that the humidity stays stable and the dehumidifier stays off for another amount of time (say half a day) the program goes into curing mode. Would you want such automation or do you prefer to switch manually?