I'm pollen-chucking with some polyhybrid regulars (Northern Cheese Haze x Chem Candy). Then I'm going to do three open pollinations backcrossing males from each generation with a fresh group of sprouts from the DG seeds I made and see what happens.
Sounds interesting. Creating polyhybrids opens up the entire spectrum of genealogy in the F1 & F2 generations. Backcrossing to an original parent will bring that parent's genes out more. Just smoking the first quick dried buds from the plant I harvested yesterday, which is a Bx to Mephisto's Wedding and boy-o-boy...Even badly dried this is already amazing bud!! wooopwooop.
So, while down there, watering the ladies I thought to myself, why not take a couple of pictures for my AFN friends...
First couple with the lights out, these girls look frosty huh?
They are so close you guys...Senecense is setting in looking at the different leaf colors.
And the amount of frost accumulating is just ridiculous!
In the left corner the larger pheno seed mother...Checked every crusty leaf for that tell tale sign of mold. Toptip you guys; lightly pull on that said leaf and if it comes loose after a small tugg, take a look at the stem. If it's grey, you've got mold. If the stem is a nice straight cut, you are good and that's just the plants way of getting rid of them leaves.
Nice clayx-to-leaf ratio. And if I ca, find some cheap ass trim tray I feel there's loads of trichomes to be harvested from this cultivar. My grinder has a sepperation screen and only after one bud with a load of dried leaf it left a pile of trichomes good enough for vape test...
Even the runt of the litter is looking mighty fine here...
Just before watering the lot. I find it easier to remove two pots so I have free reign with my watering hoze. Yup, each plant is hand watered from start to finish. This gives me the opportunity to check each plant from top to bottom while doing so.
A couple of bud shots for you pr0n lovers...
This large pheno seed mother is looking very scrumptious, if I may say so...
Now It's just waiting patiently for the ripening of the trichomes
What do you guys think? Is this cultivar good enough to be crossed with the Widow of my dreams?