Bob's Journey into Hybridisation and Genetics - For Dummies

Project Swamp Wine - Day 6 - repotted + Harvest Junk Dealer's Wedding
Hey growers and breeders :toke:

How's everything going on here on AFN? Been away a couple of days because of covid...At least I think it tests anymore, but felt like sh!t...Feeling a whole lot better today. So I gave myself a kick in the butt and got to work...
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After transplanting the seedlings into the 3.5L pots I remembered I forgot to take pictures...Must have been covid after all :coffee2:
Luckily I have my trusty time lapse camera which had already began to take pictures...

While down there I noticed the buds of the first five plants I harvested were dry as fu(k...Touching them made it snow. So I took a plastic lid of a box and used it as a plateau to lay the cut plants on. After trimming I was left over with super dry (45% humidity, when put into the jar), but oh so deliciously looking buds...covered in trichomes...
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100gr. from five plants...Not bad, not great...but not bad at ALL!!! :woohoo1:
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Bob :toke:
Project Swamp Wine - Day 8
Hey breeders and wannabreeders :toke:

The days are slowly chucking away..And so are the seedlings. Slowly but surely the first set of real leaves is expanding...
I must confess that I was a little brute with transplanting the sprouts from the seed tray to the pots. I really have to find something to get the root balls out them trays. Last time I cut plastic wedges to place in the bottom, that gave me something to push against, but this isn't flawless and some root balls became undone. This is noticeable on some of the seedlings. Anyhow, I took some pictures this time so here's the group...

First row is a Sawney Bean creation, a more Sativa leaning cheese hybrid...I'm curious how it tastes 👌
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Second row...A creation of mine. I took a Mephisto trial cross and whipped in some male genome with the Sooty Bride F1 :headbang:
From these a suitable male will be selected. And since I'm using F1's this can go in all directions...
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Next up another Sawney bean creation. His already crowned Slaughtered Lamb, yup with the 'b'. In my native language we write Lam, so that's why it's written down incorrectly on the name cards...:shrug:
It's because of the Dinafem Blue Cheese lineage I chose this one and Sawney recommended it to me to add to the project.
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Last row are two cultivars from which I only had three seeds each...So I picked the two best looking to continue with. The first is another Dinafem classic, Cheese XXL. I grew this one several seasons ago in the greenhouse and while I was fighting humidity back then and harvest from this cultivar wasn't XXL at all, I've still made several 'selved' generations as the flavor was really nice, from which these three seeds used were a S2.
To finish this row up I've added a Mephisto freebee to the mix...Double Grape x 3BOG. I really need some more Double Grape lineage in this project as the combo I once smoked was an amazing one and I really need to recreate that in my tent. :smokeit:
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Alrighty then, first time lapse for this project...Speed = 30fps, duration = 55 hours. Enjoy :thanks:


Bob :toke:
Project Swamp Wine - Day 13
Hey growers :toke:

Everything has been chucking along like usual...The seedlings have become perty little ladies/gents. These have adjusted well after the dreadful transfer from the germination tray...
What I forgot the mention is that I did reuse the soil inside the pots as is. Just removed the root ball, dropped in my lawn fertilizer pellets and filled in the hole with plain seedling mix before inserting the seedlings.
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Didn't even use the leftover bennies and myco from my starterpack, since my soil was still inoculated from the previous grow. Actually...I've got so much inoculated soil I only have to add more soil to this and it will keep expanding further :thumbsup: Handy tip for anyone who's on a budget and wants to grow organic. After the grow is over dump the soil inside a container and keep it moist enough for the organics to survive. Add to this the same amount of soil and let it rest for a grow. Afterwards you can switch soils and continue expanding... :cool1:
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I did have to use some spinosad to get the gnats under control. This is one of my favorite products to use as it doesn't affect the bacterial and mycological life inside the soil. It does need a repeat dosing after five days, but this has to do with the lifecycle of the gnat, rather than the effectiveness of the product. The active ingredient itself is produced by a bacteria and messes with the neural activity inside the gnat, or any other insect so please don't use it outside as bees can be affected as well.
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Beside that one treatment of spinosad I've only been giving plain water, but this will soon change. The 5L molasses I mixed up with the alfalfa meal and diatomaceous earth have been soaking for a couple weeks now. Regularly I turn the bottle upside down to mix everything up, the only downside to this is that molasses weighs so much (the total weight of the tub is almost 8kg) which is a bit much for me to shake around. So I'm recycling the old Orgatrex bottles to divide and keep it more manageable. :thumbsup:
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This will also be one of the last grows using just "plain" inoculated soil, because as we speak inside my greenhouse is a mound of soil to which I added 20kg of charged Biochar. Which after it filled up with ammonia (don't ask if you haven't read before) got the last of the Bactrex, Mycotrex and a hefty dose of molasses (as I needed the room for the alfalfa meal to take it's place inside the container) to feed all that life.
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This Biochar will be a stepping ground for the organic life to get a better foothold inside the soil. Soils can dry out, while the inside of the grain of carbon can still retain moisture and keep the bennies alive...You will see more about this subject in the near future you guys :d5:
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Let's return to the tent...The values inside are right on spec. Only the temperature could be a bit higher, but then I would need to turn up the lights and that would be to much of a good thing. I rather have the temperature sitting at 23-24°C then bleach the leaves if you know what I mean :hump:
The CO² is also a a high enough level for it to impact the plants, this will soo change as the extraction fan will be running at a higher level then the 4 or 5% it's running now. So until that day comes, the DIY CO² yeast plant is still doing it's thing 👌
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And to end today's post...Another time lapse. Speed = 30fps and duration = 108 hours... Enjoy watching them grow :thanks:


Bob :toke:
Coming along mighty fine , I also keep a batch of soil to mix with the new because of the microbes and reuse soil from the pots after a grow .
Yes!! Keep the soil happy => happy plants => happy Bob :baked: