Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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@Jean-O with the AFN shout outs around 35 and 37 minutes:headbang: :)toke: @PinkyNotTheBrain)

I'm smoking @Jean-O Voodoo right this sec....
@Frankthetank video I stumbled upon. Haven't watched it all yet but this guy was an Olympian. Not as much a fan of keto. I don't think simple sugars are bad for you like fruit. But ketosis is great if you think about in nature you would eat fruit when in season as much as possible. Then you would be forced to fast until you find more food. But in my non medical opinion sugars are our fuel tank and fats are the reserve. You don't even burn fat just muscle until you stop eating for awhile our bodies force us to find more food by making us hungry. You stop being hungry after 48 hours because in nature your body accepts there is no food. It wants to hold the fat until it has no choice, that's why if you starve yourself you burn muscle not fat because that's how much your body values it's fuel reserve. But when you eat nothing at all it burns the fat. Even if you eat one blueberry you spike your insulin and your body won't really burn it's fat. That's why there is truth to you losing muscle not fat, but when you have no food period you go into ketosis l. Sugars do cause more stress to digest but that is offset by the phytochemicals in the plants. I do think there is truth to sugars aging you faster tho. I think ketosis is something people should go into a few times a month. But I don't believe in keto long term. In my non nutritionist dietitian medical opinion. Also that's why eating refined carbs makes you super hungry like bread because your body wants you to keep eating it to pack on fat for when there is no food. Problem is there is tons of calories for us to choice from in today's day. So what is a good instinct actually fucked us over. Like dopamine great for a caveman food sex shelter making friends etc. But when you can get cheap dopamine from junk food videogames tv etc it just fucks you over. Corporations know this and make their products addictive whether food games whatever. They want life long addicts waiting on their next hit. That's how they get kids to pay hundreds of dollars for add-ons in those freemium games. They are highjacking the brains reward systems
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@Frankthetank video I stumbled upon. Haven't watched it all yet but this guy was an Olympian. Not as much a fan of keto. I don't think simple sugars are bad for you like fruit. But ketosis is great if you think about in nature you would eat fruit when in season as much as possible. Then you would be forced to fast until you find more food. But in my non medical opinion sugars are our fuel tank and fats are the reserve. You don't even burn fat just muscle until you stop eating for awhile our bodies force us to find more food by making us hungry. You stop being hungry after 48 hours because I'm nature your body accepts there is no food. It wants to hold the fat until it has no choice, that's why if you starve yourself you burn muscle not fat because that's how much your body values it's fuel reserve. But when you eat nothing at all it burns the fat. Even if you eat one blueberry you spike your insulin and your body won't really burn it's fat. That's why there is truth to you losing muscle not fat, but when you have no food period you go into ketosis l. Sugars do cause more stress to digest but that is offset by the phytochemicals in the plants. I do think there is truth to sugars aging you faster tho. I think ketosis is something people should go into a few times a month. But I don't believe in keto long term. In my non nutritionist dietitian medical opinion.

Lance Armstrong was an Olempian too, don't think I'd follow his advice brother.
@Frankthetank video I stumbled upon. Haven't watched it all yet but this guy was an Olympian. Not as much a fan of keto. I don't think simple sugars are bad for you like fruit. But ketosis is great if you think about in nature you would eat fruit when in season as much as possible. Then you would be forced to fast until you find more food. But in my non medical opinion sugars are our fuel tank and fats are the reserve. You don't even burn fat just muscle until you stop eating for awhile our bodies force us to find more food by making us hungry. You stop being hungry after 48 hours because in nature your body accepts there is no food. It wants to hold the fat until it has no choice, that's why if you starve yourself you burn muscle not fat because that's how much your body values it's fuel reserve. But when you eat nothing at all it burns the fat. Even if you eat one blueberry you spike your insulin and your body won't really burn it's fat. That's why there is truth to you losing muscle not fat, but when you have no food period you go into ketosis l. Sugars do cause more stress to digest but that is offset by the phytochemicals in the plants. I do think there is truth to sugars aging you faster tho. I think ketosis is something people should go into a few times a month. But I don't believe in keto long term. In my non nutritionist dietitian medical opinion. Also that's why eating refined carbs makes you super hungry like bread because your body wants you to keep eating it to pack on fat for when there is no food. Problem is there is tons of calories for us to choice from in today's day. So what is a good instinct actually fucked us over. Like dopamine great for a caveman food sex shelter making friends etc. But when you can get cheap dopamine from junk food videogames tv etc it just fucks you over. Corporations know this and make their products addictive whether food games whatever. They want life long addicts waiting on their next hit. That's how they get kids to pay hundreds of dollars for add-ons in those freemium games. They are highjacking the brains reward systems

Dude. Stop. I’m not interested. Thanks. my big girl was giving me trouble on the flip into flower. Cut the tent down to 12/12 till she showed and have been increasing the hours. I'm back to on at lights on when I wake up, lights off when I go to bed...roughly 8 hours off....still an auto?
Lance Armstrong was an Olempian too, don't think I'd follow his advice brother.
Whatever works for you. I lose nothing either way. If I help someone it helps me, if not I don't give a shit not my problem. I've learned alot about health and applied it in my own life and seen results beat Lyme twice with no anti biotics but whatever floats your boat. At the end of the day many people are looking for relief which is why they use mj which in no doubt is better than pharmaceuticals because way less side effects. But at the end of the day it's just masking symptoms. Id rather use mj just to get high and spirituality not cause I need it to just function
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