Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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dont pay more than 10 - 15! any more than that, they're ripping you off. howd you like the dabs tho?!
He gave me a lil and a tiny piece of moonrock!
Those pests are a bitch. Mostly because you may control them in your yard but they are everywhere and the adults can fly long distances. I use very few pesticides but on a lawn I would use something long lasting like Scott's Grub-X along with predatory nematodes. For your flowers use BTg and apply weekly during the season. There are some predatory wasps but it will take several years of releasing them to have an effect.

Don't grow white roses they are like a magnet to them. Tall Fescue is the most resistant grass.

You could always eat them!
Thank you!
Just got of the phone with big @Dabber and he told to me to make you sure all of you are super nice to his son and take care of him including myself.. But he also wanted me to tell all you that mrs. D is home and doing well and work is picking up:woohoo: He's super busy but i kind of guilted him in to being online more and not making me the middle man :d5:

@dabberjr if you need anything give a holler I told your dad he needs to get on more but I'm always around if you needed something I'm happy to help... Are you growing currently?:pass:
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