SSSC Bob's tribute to Karel, the SSSC and BioTabs - Growing AK47 x Karel's Haze x Auto & Afghan x Northern Lights x Auto

Bob's Auto's

On a breeding journey...
Cultivators Club
Jun 18, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
The current harvest
Hey Friends :toke:

Let me start by saying how blessed I've been this season. Getting to know some serious players in the game, acquiring a sponsorship from BioTabs and growing the latest and finest genetics the interweb has to offer :bow:
And I even get to show it off to you guys, curtesy of the nice crew from AFN!!:bighug:

A while back John sent me a couple of new crosses to test out and today I went to work with them... Top left and bottom left are the SSSC seeds...
I started as usual to wet the cotton pads with 4ml of demineralized water and two drops (12%) hydrogen peroxide. Then come the seeds...I don't even bother soaking them anymore as this method keeps the seeds wet and oxygenized until I have a peek in three days... And after that I cover them with another pad and 4ml of demineralized water.
Finally I wrap microwave foil around the plate and set it aside in a dark closet in the study.

The next update is in three days as this is the time the seeds get to germinate and sprout a tail.


Bob :toke:
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Hey peeps... :toke:

It's been a bit longer then usual for checking the seeds if they sprouted, but hey...It is what it is :shrug::coffee:
Every seed hatched which was to be expected with such guuuud genetics :biggrin:

But not all seeds get a place in the soil. Only the two best got to go. These got a one way trip to the bin :crying:

The ones that did get planted ended up in, how else, a white pouch filled with the lightmix I mixed up a couple of weeks ago. The soil was still damp in the tub and got stirred up just before I filled the pouches. In about a fortnight I'll be making my choice which one stayes :pop:


Bob :toke:
Hey AFN Fam :bighug:

It's getting hot in the greenhouse the next days. Luckily three out of four sprouts are above ground, but to make sure these will make it through the coming hot spell I'm going to prepare the soil a week earlier and plant these pouches in pots. That way they stay a lot cooler at the roots and I won't stunt them.

The ABLD is miles ahead of it's younger sisters, but that's ok. It was the backup for the Solocup which in hindsight was the better of the two...
Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 19

Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 19


Bob :toke:
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Well how I managed to forget to take some pictures of the younglings, but I do have a pic of the bigger lady... The white specs are from a treatment with @Phyter 's RotBlock. The dots are residue from the carrier material in which the spores sit.


Bob :toke:
Ok, couple of hours on and everyone is in it's 20L pot...

Dug a hole where the contents of the pouch will be planted and dusted it liberally with a teaspoon of Mycotrex. Then with the scissor (on the right) I sliced the fabric open from the bottom to the top. While supporting the soil with my left hand I took the fabric off and gently placed everything inside the prepared hole.

When all seedlings where planted I topped the pots with some extra soil so they are as filled as can be :thumbsup:

Then each pot got three BioTabs. One was pushed 5cm/2", the second 10cm/4" and the third went 15cm/6" deep into the soil.
When all of the hard work was done I mixed up 5L water with five leveled teaspoons of Bactrex and watered around the seedlings.


Bob :toke:
Hey AFN fam :bighug:

Just a small update today as it's been a busy day and all :biggrin:

This Bruce isn't a lemon, that's for sure!!. She's growing fierce and in just a couple of days has more then doubled in size.
Tomorrow I'll be topping and trimming her just like her cousins from Dutch Passion. This will spread open the canopy and prevent the formation of one big cola prone to mold.
On top of that I'll be removing the first node shoots, the leaves I'll leave on as the more solar panels a plant has the more energy it can gain. But by removing those shoots I'll direct that future energy to other parts of the plant. Experience teaches us that bud formation on those parts of the plant mostly end up in fluffy popcorn sh!t that's only good for processing into bubble. :shrug:
Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 24 (on 16/06/'22)


Bob :toke:
Hey AFN Fam :bighug:

This SSSC grow is going like a cinch!! The seedlings have survived the hot spell and the Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel Auto has been topped and started sprouting it's side shoots...
AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 8

Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 8

Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 27

I topped her at the fifth node...
Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 27

...And removed the first and second node.
Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 27


Bob :toke:
Hey friends :bighug:

A short picture update as there are to few hours in a day...Really need to get to bed :shrug:
AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 10

AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF - day 10

Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 10

Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 10

Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 29

Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 29

Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel - day 29


Bob :toke:
Hey Friends :toke:
Tomorrow I'll be choosing my favorites and culling those that aren't :naughtystep:But for now...Both look amazing, but the right one is a tad bigger.
Come on lefty...You've still got 12 hours before I visit you again with the scissors :tang:

I don't know looking at the picture, what do you guys think?

The Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel got another treatment today.
I removed the lowest shoots from the first node that I kept. Directing more energy towards the top of that node.

I didn't have clean scissors so I used my fingernails to snip them off...

I repeated the same procedure on the othe side...

And this is how she looks like afterwards.

Hope you enjoyed todays post :thanks: for watching :d5:


Bob :toke: