Indoor Bob's Mars Hydro adventure, growing in a TS1000+60x60 Complete Tent Kits

Ok, party's over. All the guests have cleaned up... Time for my ladies :condom:
Amnesia XXL @ day 45. She's halfway according to Dinafem's specs. Hey, I'm not complaining...She's looking gorgeous and if she's only halfway then those buds can only grow bigger :eyebrows:

Played contortionist with the Purple Kush and tucked her top under the trellis. I didn't top this one as I'm curious how she'll react.
She's @ day 27 and doing very well. She does drink like a fish and get's three doses of 250ml every two days now. Not long before she get's two drinks a day.

Since I was on a dry spell, and now again, I plucked all the preflower calyxes from the Port & Cheese to have a tast of what's to come. Oh brother, now I understand why you wanted to make seeds out of them. I've got three seeds left over and am definitely going to have a go with these come next year.
Thanks again mate !!!

And another timelapse :toke:


Hey peeps :coffee:

Last night the plants had still enough to drink, but according to my temp/humidity log I saw that this morning the humidity had lowered a lot. This meant that the solution in the tray had evaporated and it was time to give my ladies a feed. Every "big" lady in the tent got 250ml of the "Late veg/Early Bloom" recipe from MC 2-part. The younin's got about half of that. The EC sits at 1884µS/cm or 900ppm!! :yoinks: Which is incredibly high for autoflowers, but hey if they gobble it up like it where candy then who am I to complain... I added 1ml/L Pure Zym to the mix and adjusted the pH to 6.08. I never really get to 6.00 because I use Sulfuric acid to lower the pH, but this is so concentrated that adding one drop to the 6.08pH mix would lower it to below 5.85 and then I would need to add water (dilute the recipe) or worst case Potassium silicate (which would change the recipe I'm using). So I'm happy with the 6.08pH and I feel the plants are to :woohoo:

Today it's all about bud shots. :backside:
Amnesia XXL Auto - day 45

Amnesia XXL Auto - day 45

Amnesia XXL Auto - day 45

Port & Stilton S1 - day 41

Port & Stilton S1 - day 41


B :toke:
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Hello there :toke:

I was in a lazy mood today. Stood up with serious back pains...
Wifey and kids where gone for the day so took one of the lower buds of this fine Amnesia...roled it into a big joint, put that for two minutes in the microwave (yeah I know, but it was that or take some muscle relaxants, which I finally did but in the afternoon :shrug: ) and got wasted. This amnesia is already a serious painkiller and the buds aren't even formed completely.
Amnesia XXL - day 46

This Purple Kush is growing like a beast. Seriously doubting about topping her or not. What do you guys think?
Purple Kush Auto - day 28

Port & Stilton S1 - day 42

A cross I made two years ago. Had only one seed which passed the pressure test. I soaked it in water with some root hormone, 4 drops of H2O2 and a couple of drops of Cellmax Rootbooster, which if you smell the bottle reeks of piss:gassy:
But it did the trick. After 24 hours of soaking and another 24 hours inside a paper towel on top of my router the taproot appeared and the seedling got planted. But not before I rmoved it's helmet which had become so loose it only needed a small tug to come loose from the germ.
She still has a little dome over her to keep humidity high enough, but I think she'll make it.
Toydarian Swirl F1 - day 2

Overview of the tent... So glad I went with @Marshydro's advice!! their products didn't disappoint me at all!

As the big girls get to a point where more light means more bud I raised the Wattage on the TS-1000 to above 85%

Yup, this is the action camera on which I repaired the lens. Replacing was a cinch, but adjusting the focus was a b!tch. I needed to forcibly remove the plastic around the lens and cracked it... That's why I ordered a new one so this one can stay inside the tent and the new one can go into the drone.

The pH of the nutrient solution...

And the EC in µS/cm

And finally the timelapse from the last 24 hours...


B :toke:
Like I explained in my Wedding Glue Solocup thread. I wasn't able to water my plants yesterday. This halted growth on the larger ladies as soon as their drink was gone. Below a timelapse from the last 48 hours...

I gave everyone a good drink this morning, but I feel I'll have to make a diluted mix for my new cross that's actually still a baby and can't handle the liquor I'm serving the ladies... On another note, She's doing some funky sh!t with her leaves. Well see how it turns out :shrug:
Toydarian Swirl F1 - day 4

The Amnesia is starting to bulk up. I don't suspect I'll harvest more then 10gr from her, but that wasn't the goal from the getgo. I wanted to do a Solocup only grow, to see how full I could get my tent. And because of all the different strains I'll get more "samples" to taste from. Still got so much unused seeds I bought before I went through the looking glass :smokeout:
Amnesia XXL - day 48

The Purple Kush Auto from Linda's Seeds is doing magnificent. Ok, she didn't experienced the issues that the Wedding Glue, Amnesia and Port & Stilton went through, but she' growing like a bat out of hell :headbang: Every day I have to tuck her under the netting so the main top stays nice and low so apical dominance gets devided between her and the sideshoots.
Purple Kush Auto - day 30

The Port & Stilton...What a smell!!! Still have two more seeds of her and with permission from my buddy (is it ok buddy???) I'm gonna make seeds with them next season. She's a dwarf now, but almost completely covered with buds. One of these days I'll try to take a picture under her skirt and you'll see what I mean.
Port & Stilton S1 - day 44
Nice spread. Love the idea of several solos with different strains for a larger sample selection.
Yeah, but after this is done I'm going for larger pots. Thinking of doing a four "large" all Dutch Passion run in the tent after this one. What would you suggest Antonio?
I'll also do a larger run with all those seeds, I've still got in stock, in the greenhouse next season. not in Solo's, but rather in 1 or 2 liter bottles. Maybe do a couple of crosses as I did two years ago.
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Last update of the year my friends... First of all I want to whish you all a Happy New Year and may 2022 bring you bountiful crops :bow:
I also whish to thank @Marshydro for the fine 'advice' he gave me. Without you I couldn't be doing what I'm doing mate ♥ :bighug:
But let's get this show on the road... Family is waiting to get fed :muahaha:

Let's begin with our Amnesia. She's completely stopt with growing and is putting all her energy into forming lush buds. Momentarily they are about a dumb thick, but she still got 35 - 40 days to get fatter. So she's getting the 'Bloom' recipe from MC 2-part + Bud Booster.
Amnesia XXL Auto - day 49

As I'm writing this thread I'm making a 60fps timelapse in stead of the standard 25fps to speed things up even more as bud formation is way slower then vegetative growth. It's a weeks worth of footage in thirty seconds :tang:

Next we have the cheapest seed in the whole tent. I believe I payed 4€50 for three seeds and look at her now...Growing like a MF'er :coffee:
Auto Purple Kush - day 31

Third in the list. This beautiful Port & Stilton S1 from a friend I would had if I hadn't decided to join this wonderful forum. Thanks mate :cheers:
Port & Stilton S1 - day 45

And last on the list... Time for a little freakshow. This was one seed I purposely made, well I hoped for load more seeds, but being a first timer and so on...
Well, I'm letting her do it's thing, we'll all see how she turns out :thumbsup:

According to my VPD chart I'm still ok for the most part. I do have ladies of all ages in my tent and then you have to make choices. So with the excess nutrient solution in the tray I can still keep the humidity and temperature in check :coffee:

Turning the tent upside down really helped a lot to get the warmth of the light down to the plants and this magnificent fan sucks all that excess humidity out of the tent through the bottom. On this setting the small monkey fan inside the tent makes more noice then this one. I can actually turn it two white stripes to the right and still barely here it over the monkey fan. So again kudoz for @Marshydro and his company for creating a quality product which is affordable for everyone :d5:

Because the inline fan has to work harder to keep humidity between 65 and 75% I also had to turn the light a bit higher so the temperature doesn't get to low because temp in the lung room is still only 18-20°C / 64-68°F.

Last picture for this year. Overview of the entire tent.

I hope you guys have enjoyed reading along as much as I did writing it.
I wish you all the best and we'll see each other on the other side. Till next time. :smokeout::vibes::karmacloud:

Bob :toke:
Happy New Year fellow growers!! :woohoo1:
Let me start by whishing you all a mighty fine 2022!! That all your dreams may come true and your harvests are bountiful. :cheers:
Slowely but surely the buds are growing bigger and they are frikkin' dense. :headbang:
Amnesia XXL - day 50

This lady keeps amazing me. I keep tucking the main top beneath the netting, but every time she manages to somehow slip the net and creep over it.
Well, so long as the side shoots get the chance to stretch above the netting I'm a happy camper :yay:
Auto Purple Kush - day 32

This Port and Stilton is getting quite frosty. I'm totally not worried anymore about the state of the leaves as there's nothing I can do about it anymore :muahaha:
Port & Stilton S1 - day 46

This little freak isn't going to make it I'm afraid. She fell over sometime yesterday. Oh well, it wasn't to be :rofl:

Also another one of them timelapses you guys have come accustomed to :pighug:

Have fun growers!!

Hey guys :toke:

First, thank you @JSH1973 for the rep :cheers:
Today I did some cleaning inside the tent. The tray had dried up and this made vacuuming little pieces of coco and perlite a cinch. On hindsight I should have lifted the cups as this becomes clear in a moment. After that I ran two cups of nutrients through each solocup and used the drained solution to dissolve the dried up salts inside the tray with my hands. Then syphoned the liquid in an empty bottle.

After all my "hard" work I was curious what the values of that solution would be. The EC was at 3300µS/cm!! and the pH sat at 6.98. So I'll have to schedule cleaning that tray on a more regular basis :thumbsup:

Let's continue with the ladies...
The pistils are starting to shrivel in my Amnesia. She prolly won't make it whole the way, but at least I should have some smoke out of her.

My Purple Kush is starting to flower. Loads of budsites... If I can keep her green I think she'll do good :coffee:

The same goes for my Port & Stilton. Even with the fading she still looks ánd smells gorgeous :drool:

Oh, and my little freak isn't no more. She went the way of the dinosaur :redcard:

And finally...

