DIY Disposing of wastewater, run off or DWC waste, my solution

Aug 14, 2021
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So I grow DWC and was getting tired of dumping "waste water" every week, just the hippie in me that hated getting rid of something that could be useful. I am fortunate enough to have space in my indoor grow are so this was my solution:


I chose plants that are known to do well in hydro IE: lettuces, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers etc....

Now when I do my weekly water changes I simply take my "waste water" and RE-PH it to what I'm growing dump it in the res. and presto, fresh organically grown veggies. Honestly I do nothing else, doesn't matter if I'm in bloom or veg I just dump the "wastewater" in and everything has been growing like crazy. I'm not fond of the 3 tier system I have set up as it doesn't allow for light penetration and adding any type of lights to this room will add to much heat, but it works for now

Currently growing:
Romaine lettuce
Butter crunch lettuce
Black simpson lettuce
Bronze mignonette lettuce
Prizehead lettuce
Roma Tomatos
Banana pepper

I pay ZERO attention to ppm etc. all I do is make sure PH is good, then dump in the water. I have been happily harvesting lettuce almost on a daily basis and hope to have some tomatoes soon.

Just curious what everyone else does.

Happy Growing!!!
I dump it in my lawn wherever the grass is bare or struggling, and it springs to life.

I was also doing this until my landscape guy was insistent that my septic or my drain field was leaking, because I had a large circle in my yard from dumping out my waste water that was always 3x taller than the rest of my yard.
I was also doing this until my landscape guy was insistent that my septic or my drain field was leaking, because I had a large circle in my yard from dumping out my waste water that was always 3x taller than the rest of my yard.
Water the trees or bushes with it not the grass haha, I'm glad you found a nice solution.
I dump it in my lawn wherever the grass is bare or struggling, and it springs to life.
I’m pretty sure the phosphates are no bueno ...[CHAT=][/CHAT] they may have even been banned if I’m not mistaken? Grass fertilizers I believe have -0 there now..
But ya I dump run off in vegetable beds... definitely doing this now though lol
I use it to feed my pepper plants, together with water from my fish tank..

Wish I had room for growing tomatoes and stuff :shooty:
I’m pretty sure the phosphates are no bueno ...[CHAT=][/CHAT] they may have even been banned if I’m not mistaken? Grass fertilizers I believe have -0 there now..
But ya I dump run off in vegetable beds... definitely doing this now though lol

Yeah, I had to get away from dumping in my yard, any nitrogen or phosphates really almost all fertilizers are banned from using here. So this was my solution. It needs tweaked, that 3 tier system while nice just isn't practical I'm going to re-build the stand for it and make it a single level. I wasn't really planning on all 107 lettuces we started to actually all pop I was thinking maybe 70% but I got 100% up lol.
Yeah, I had to get away from dumping in my yard, any nitrogen or phosphates really almost all fertilizers are banned from using here. So this was my solution. It needs tweaked, that 3 tier system while nice just isn't practical I'm going to re-build the stand for it and make it a single level. I wasn't really planning on all 107 lettuces we started to actually all pop I was thinking maybe 70% but I got 100% up lol.
I had 6 and 4 kale... way to much lol
Was outside though.
Looks like your going to the market and setting up a booth